
i always thought i need to buy a looper with midi sync.
but actually i have a lot of fun with my ditto x2.
i use OT and other stuff for rhythmic elements and record
live instruments (synths, guitars) to the ditto x2.
normally i try to do a very long 1st loop and concentrate to get the timing as good as possible. so i can get pretty long time with the ditto in sync, especially when doing pads haha.
the drifting can give interesting results too.
also experimenting with “wrong” loop lengths on porpuse can be fun.
i can still use the OT for sampling but for jamming i use the ditto.


I definitely agree about the drifting effect. It can really stimulate interesting sonic experimentation. Right now I have a few looper options, Line 6 HX Effects, Kaoss Pad 3, Ableton (but only for DAW work), with the HX FX easily covering the non synced stuff. I can even control it with MIDI commands, but it doesn’t sync to MIDI clock unfortunately.

Unless I’m wrong, it’s limited to 16 seconds.

Yeah, that is pretty short. I bet it can mangle stuff up really nicely though!

Just did some more research on the Singular Sound Aeros Loop Studio, and it looks like they’ve been having some firmware issues, but once they get things sorted out it could potentially be pretty awesome.

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I think if I weren’t stuck on stereo, I’d try to figure a way to cope with Blooper’s 40 second max recording time. By far, it has the most intriguing sound morphing capabilities of any looper out there.

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KP3, short recording time, HX looper, not practical, overdub beginning is cut (I have Hx Stomp). RC505 Max recording time : 3h30m per track (2GB max file). Big and pretty ugly, not the best recording quality, but with great looper functions, easy to record. It’s my favorite looper after Octatrack. I sold it and kept OT. With track recorders and Flex OT can record at any tempo, do overdub even slaved, undo possible with several patterns.

After OT!

Headrush also does a big 4 track looper. Never tried.

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Tell me more about your HX overdubs being cut off. I haven’t experienced that with mine. Maybe needs a firmware update?

How do you to overdubs with the Octatrack? Do you have to use two tracks? Can you do tapeloop style overdubs where it essentially acts like a really long delay line with non-infinite feedback? One really cool thing I like about the EDP was being able to set feedback around 90% and setting a very short loop which I switched between full and half speed (kind of like a square lfo on delay time)

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When I press right on time to overdub with the Hx Stomp, the beginning is truncated (latest firmware).

Resampling the track with Flex (maybe a 2nd track for monitoring with FX) or Pickups.
Yes, a decay on overdub feedback is possible.

Well that is pretty crummy. I haven’t updated my HX Effects to the latest, and might hold off if it does the same. I think I’m on 2.70, and it seems to be fine.

Very cool about the Octatrack. It is now gonna be back it the running…Time for more research

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This guy does pretty well looping with the KP3. But looks like a lot of work he has to put in workflow-wise to get there. I think the RC-202/505 would be more straightforward. Love the KP3 effects though, so maybe add it as an effects to unit to the Boss looper for an extra bit of fun.

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No, you can overdub on just one Pickup track. How? Just make sure you press the correct button combo, lol - this requires some practice. Or set up your MIDI controller to send the proper MIDI note number message.

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For guitar-work, I’ve been considering what is a reasonably high end solution. It’s not cheap, but feature-set-wise, this does look like a very interesting looping solution.


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I also mentioned the Headrush above, nice features, but it’s just…HUGE !


What do you think of the Aeros Looper? It just came out too.

Yeah, like sezare56 said, that thing is huge. It looks pretty amazing though. If I had more space and didn’t already have a giant pedal board I think I’d be more inclined to give it a go.

This forum post on it is pretty enlightening. Looks like once they get the firmware to a complete stage it will be pretty nice, but there’s a lot of stuff missing that was promised prior to release.

That’s pretty impressive. I have mine synced to my Rytm, but the looping has some sort of lag, so timing ends up getting out of sync. Can’t imagine trying to get two working together without sync. Although Jon Hopkins apparently has used up to 4 or 5 at a time for effects and looping…

This looks quite interesting.

I’m looking for a portable multi-track solution at the moment and I’m finding modern loopers actually tick a few boxes these days.

One thing I’m finding missing though is a headphone jack, I guess because obviously most pedal manufacturers think in terms of foot control for guitarists rather than desktop artists. Wonder if the Aeros stereo Aux can be purposed as a main mix out for phones?

I did find the Electro-Harmonix Grand Canyon which is a delay pedal with Looper pedal and looks very nice.

At the moment I’m trying to find a nice blend of reverb delay and record and don’t mind if they happen to be across a couple stomp boxes as long as I can get the job done.

Maybe a H9 plus an Aero? Although I never heard about that brand and wonder if the bugs got sorted.

Bitbox has me thinking also.