
Yeah, I loved looping with it when I had it. Not the safest bet if you wanna do hands free looping though. Not really clear on what people intend to use these loopers for, but I’d give the OT a miss if it was live guitar looping :slight_smile:

Still my goal. I didn’t established a definitive workflow with OT, I wanted to use it Saturday evening, but I didn’t have enough time to prepare it.
I don’t think I’d use Pickups but Flex, allowing sequenced mangling of loops, make drums with the guitar automatically.
Midi foot controller, and probably a midi processor to play the recording directly with Flex (stop rec + play Flex).
A pattern switch when my loops are ok, freeing up more tracks. Pattern changes can be used for undo btw.
I hope I’ll post something decent with it one day!


No, in live looping lingo, “loop decay” is where each subsequent overdub causes the previously-recorded layer/layers to drop in volume by a user-specified amount (ranging from a couple dB to total overwrite); either for performance purposes, or simply to prevent compounding frequencies from clipping the looper’s output.

And, yes, the 'Rang III can do that too. :wink:


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I know, possible with OT. :wink:

GAIN can attenuate or boost the volume of recordings or overdubs, making gradual fade outs possible. The value is expressed in dB.

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I would love it if Boss came up with a single-loop version of the RC-202… maybe possible now that Electro-Harmonix released his compact, MIDI synced pedal.
Those rubber buttons seem more table-top friendly than EH’s footswitches

Seeing how the pigtronix Infinity looper pedal is on an incredible sale, anyone have experience with it?

I’m so tempted here.
I checked with my friendly neighborhood SweetWater sales engineer over email, and he confirmed the model is being discontinued. I asked about where we could get firmware updates, etc for the unit, and he provided no info. Nearly all the links on the Pigtronix site for the infinity looper are broken. It seems like they’re washing their hands of it altogether.
It’s been on the market for practically a decade. And it boasts a lot of midi capabilities, which is nice…
I’m going to nag the SweetWater guy about firmware and I’ll report back.

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@AdamJay - why’d you sell your infinity looper?

Thank you for the info.

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Mine should be arrived today or tomorrow, so I’ll update on my experience with it soon. Really excited for it. I do wonder why Pigtronix is doing away with it

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I wonder if there is a successor coming. NAMM is right around the corner. Last year they released the Infinity 2, which is a scaled down version, and I don’t think it has midi. Doesn’t cover all the bases of the original. Hopefully a new flagship looper is coming for them.

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Love my Infinity looper. I have it since 2014 and played about 50 shows between 2015 and 2018 using it for live looping my guitar. Used to have it MIDI synced to my MPC 1000 (now OT), works flawlessly, no drift, good response. Always found it very reliable and I’ll bring it for shows once we’re allowed to play out again for sure. That deal at Sweetwater is a total steal! I remember getting mine used for 250.


I used the Infinity for a few years. Sync’d to midi like a champ. For the most part it did what it was supposed to, but acted up every once in a while and I’d have to restart it. I can’t remember specifics, but it didn’t bother me bad enough to figure it out. Clicks at loop point bugged me, but figured out how to avoid that. I’m not sure I would buy one now knowing that Pigtronix is moving away from it though.

I haven’t had a looper in a while and been missing it so bought a Aeros the other day. Digging it so far! I don’t care that there’s no reverse, or weird tape fx, but I do hope they add loop decay eventually.

I graduated.
I was at a place where I wanted to do much more with the transitional loop than just play it back, reverse it, and EQ+level it on the mixer.

Octatrack was smaller, lighter and more full featured than my Infinity looper + Mixer setup (have to have a mixer with stereo send to use it in full stereo).
The price difference between setups was just a few hundred dollars, and I got so much more out of it.
Not to mention the audio quality.
Infinity did things to the high end of the loop that made it only usable live and not in the studio. It is a guitar pedal, after all. Built like a tank, though, and never let me down, otherwise.


good insights - thank you!

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This is my problem, I have an OT but have no clue how to loop with it yet. Maybe I should hold off and keep with the minimal mind set.

Stupid deals thread, it always has me thinking!

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SW says the units they’re getting from Piggies will ship with the latest available firmware.

regardless, the feedback shared by @AdamJay regarding his experience with the Infinity resonates with me. I’m gonna pass.

As far as big-boy loopers go, I’m presently learning as much as I can about the RC-505 and the Boomerang III.

It feels a little silly to be shopping for another looper when I already have a blooper… But I don’t use it the way I pictured myself using a looper…


I’ve had some really weird results with the rc 202 in slave mode. The loop gets grainy and sometimes it adjusts so the timing becomes wrong when I add loop number 2. Might be a way to fix it but I haven’t found it. Don’t know if rc 505 has the same issues. I’m back to using infinity which works well aside from that I can’t use a clock source that also sends midi notes to something else. Also the update app file inside it mysteriously disappeared when I was trying to update to the newest firmware. Since the file is no longer available from the pigtronix website I can’t update it. Feel free to let me know if you have it:)

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The sound degradation thing seems to plague a number of loopers. My first one was a Boss RC-20XL, and it sucked signal really badly, almost like the lo-fi effect on the OT.

I’ve got a Ditto X4, which fortunately doesn’t have that sound degradation issue, but has a few other quirks (I’m also trying to move away from B-owned brands).

Just have to figure out the best workflow (and cable routing!!!) for looping with my new OT.

What is your routing setup for using the OT as a looper? How do you handle impedance matching between line/instrument levels and back?