LYRA-8 Organismic Synth (for soundscapes, FXs, pads, complex textures)

Whaaat?! I bought mine a few weeks too soon! This looks very cool.

I’ll have to settle myself with the fact that Olive Green doesn’t sound anywhere near as cool as ‘Control Room Green’. And magical looking boxes aren’t really magical. Are they?! :see_no_evil:

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This! Textures, imperfection, movement and energy… Subtly using them in the background is what I’m looking forward to experimenting with more over the next few weeks.

Have you messed around with CV inputs much? It opens up a whole new bag of things that I started exploring last week.

I said why I bought my Lyra-8 a while back, but I don’t mind restating it again.

It was Vlad’s original demo. The sounds that he featured were very of the type that my bandmate was frequently asking me to make.

But it turned out to be more than a “sample the hell out of it and sell” piece of gear. It doesn’t always behave in a predictable manner. That’s what I love about it.

Not the best choice for a control freak though.

I’m about to pick up a Lyra 8 this week. Could any users explain how the hold gate cv input works? Could I use my A4 to sequence rhythmic gate patters?

I haven’t tried the hold gate yet, might give it a go today. But yes, that should work! I was sequencing patterns by playing the delay with CV already, which is great fun.

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What?! Is it true that you can’t play chromatic scales with an external keyboard or by sending cv to it otherwise?! If that’s true I’ll pass on it

You can throw as much CV at it as you like, it won’t play nice. You have to forget about things like scales and traditional tuning with the Lyra, it makes the sounds it makes and you just have to go along with it.


So the cv input is just for triggering voices and you still have to tune each voice manually?

The CV voices input is a modulation input (plugging a CV source into it bypasses and replaces the LFO) rather than having direct control over VCO pitch, as you might expect.
That isn’t to say that you can’t play melodies with it, you just have to approach it differently.

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So anyone have a chance to demo a drum machine/kicks through the input FX?

The closest I can find is:

I have discovered that Comb filters and rythmic sounds are a fantastic combo, and this seems similar.

Is there any other way to play melodies beside this one, in this video?

If the mod switch is set to LFO CV, the CV input is a tuning offset applied to a pair of voices. With the MOD knob, you can set the amount of modulation / offset. But you have to dial in the tuning and the wanted CV offset by ear. I haven’t tried it, but I would be very surprised if there was much linearity ins this :upside_down_face:
With the HOLD GATE input you can apply an offset to the HOLD knobs (which keep the VCAs open).

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You can sequence melodies, with a Beatstep pro for example, but trying to quantise the pitch of the Lyra to a particular scale won’t work, as it’s not 1v/Oct, so tuning can be quite a big task. If you’re wanting something that can play “in tune” easily, the Lyra is not what you want.


Lol I hardly understand this modular lingo… Let me simplify this:
Would it be possible to send a midi messages from OT (via midi cc to cv converter) to play a melody?

Yes, but the melody would be completely out of tune.


Ok! In that case this must be the stupidest synth in the history of synths! I understand the appeal of unpredictability, that part is brilliant and i like that part but complete impossibility to control it (for the most important part in music - chromatic change) is a missed opportunity big time imo
What a shame! Missed opportunity is the name im gonna give to it. Missed to really be brilliant

You do realize that this synth has 8 non-standard oscillators that were designed to intermodulate between each other… if you want to sequence melodies, get a Juno or something :slight_smile:

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Oh, so that’s the reason they can’t be tunable in conventional ways?! That’s something completely different then! Thnx!

Btw, no need to be rude! You too, 0mega. I’m just trying to learn something. Spending 700 euros is much for me.

It’s the sort of thing that you’ll either love or hate.
It’s not designed to be musical in the commonly understood, western meaning of the word.
It’s designed completely with modulation in mind. Everything modulates everything else, meaning that sending it 1v/Oct CV would be a waste of time, as all of the oscillators are related to each other in such complex (yet stunningly simple) ways that there really is no way to keep things “in tune” anyway.
The architecture requires that notions of musical tonality are kinda left at the door with this thing. It’s not stupid, it’s just not for you.

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