LYRA-8 Organismic Synth (for soundscapes, FXs, pads, complex textures)

So when people talk about the Lyra being impossible to control or not being able to repeat sounds they are talking about the fact that they haven’t yet learned to control it or to repeat sounds. Like any proper instrument, it takes a while to learn it and even longer to master it.
The Lyra certainly has a very strong, identifiable timbre, but it is only really limited by the person using it.


I believe this could be the case and bc of that i ordered it to see if i can use it.


Call it trolling, but I can’t help but note what a change in attitude in just a few weeks. From “limited trash” or whatever you called it back then… to shiny new treasure…

Where i said something similar to “shiny new treasure”?

I was speaking in metaphorical terms, not literally.

PS. Stop taking things too seriously

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Sorry i was joking first time too maang!

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This thing does have a way of attracting crazy people.

Yes, I’m crazy too.


I’m not crazy…
It’s everyone else that’s crazy.


Said the voices in your head…

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Not admitting you’re insane is part of being insane :alien:

Can someone please tell how can i sequence a Lyra with my Octatrack?

I suppose need a MIDI to CV converter of some kind (a standalone box bc i’m not into modular).

Would something like a Kenton Pro Solo be an overkill? (it’s a bit expensive at 180 euros)
What about Doepfer MCV4 or Doepfer Dark Link?

Also, can all Lyra’s voices be sequenced at the same time? (in parallel) On the Kenton converter says ‘‘single channel midi-to-cv converter’’… what does that mean?

p.s. sorry but i’m a total CV/gate/analog n00b :tongue:

The green has that 1970’s Psychiatric ward vibe about it.

Looks like an Electronic Shock Therapy device.


Either of the Doepfers will do, the Kenton is Hz/volt, which is not compatible with the Lyra (I think).
Personally, I wouldn’t be looking to spend over £100 to facilitate sequencing the Lyra externally (excluding soma’s new dedicated sequencer). Also, sequencing from the Octatrack via CV will only work monophonically, in that it can’t sequence each voice independently, it will sequence whichever voices are set up to receive the sequence.
The path to success with Lyra is to forget trying to control it as you would other synths and learn it on its own terms. Trying to play it like a normal synth can often feel like trying to play a trumpet with drumsticks.


Im planing to perform the procedure on myself :slight_smile:

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Thank you!

I’m planing to use it normally but i just wanted to know what i possible, if needed.

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Anyone here have a green Lyra?

Just got my “boring white” Lyra.

I spent 2 hours already with it, just noodling around…love it.

I have been making drone videos of my hikes and can see using the Lyra for some audio for those videos…it’s really an amazing device.


Be interested to see/hear that :slight_smile:

Yes indeed, clips above :point_up_2:

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Sounds fun! Let us know if you post them