M:C obsolete now there's ST?

The cycles has way more character than the ST referring to the Demos I have heard until now. Still waiting for someone to push the ST into LXR 02 territory .

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Yeah for studio use DT+ST is a killer combo

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I am mostly unfamiliar with the architecture of the Models- but yeah, the digi series are lacking in tht respect

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Theyā€˜d complement the Nord Drums perfectly if configurable+plockable CCs for each knob were possible. Damn, I want this feature now.


The hands on control of the M:C and M:S is unbeatable compared to Analog or Digi series including Syntakt

I love playing with the one function knob of the M:C it is so natural

The answer is No, M:C will not be obsolete, it is a specific FM groove box and it does 2OP FM very well

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I think these kind of discussions are similar to discussions regarding the ā€˜bestā€™ DSLR/DSLM cameras:
Intensive discussions however most of us (me including) are not limited by gear but by our limited free time or creativity or simple not enough skilled craftsmanship. How many functions of our current gear do we actually use? 30-40% ?

So keep relaxed, use your gear and donā€™t spend too much lifetime in forums.
I should ask Thomann to insert that notice before payment button - at least for my order process. :grinning:


Never selling mine. If it broke iā€™d get another one just like it.
I love this thing.

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Absolutely not, cycles has excellent single use controls, and itā€™s price is crazy good.


Yeah, ST was making me feel like M:C is more of a toy but I just fired it up this morning and it still sounds great to my ears. Iā€™d much rather have the filters and powerful modulations of my A4 and the immediate, limited space of the M:C than 8 channels of M:C with filters and saturation.

(The drums on ST are pretty good though.)

Asking if something is obsolete at 1/3 the price and 1/4 of the features is odd. There are compromises throughout the entire Elektron product line.

Iā€™m still considering the MC since I have a DN.

Is the Syntakt a better value if you are trying to reduce the amount of devices you need and were going to buy more to bridge some gaps? Absolutely.

As we know, updates do add features. Will they push the MC further? Time will tell.

This Syntakt bridges many gaps. Which for musicians that do live sets, is a big win.

I wouldnā€™t say obsolete. I would just say the MC is now potentially a more clear option for those that just need 6 tracks vs 12 for drum duties.

Or the Syntakt could be why many people sell their DTs. Not everyone is a fan of sample management.

The DT is a stripped down AR and the DT is what sells the most (for now). Sometimes more accessible is what the market needs.

As long as the M:C still makes music its not obsolete. Itā€™s also an incredibly viable choice all levels of musicians. Limitations are incredibly useful in some situations.


Man I was just thinking this. Iā€™d run the cycles through the rytm to expand my drum channel sounds and use the cyclesā€™ encoders to control Rytmā€™s perf macros.
Ahhā€¦one can dream

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Yeah, this is the best point. Music tech never really becomes obsolete in the way phones or computers do. Lots of people (including myself often) lose sight on that fact. If it makes a sound you like then it canā€™t be obsolete. Thereā€™s a reason people still seek the MPC2000 even though thereā€™s 3 current MPCs you could choose from with tons more features, and thatā€™s just one example.


i guess i could say somethings become untenable as time goes on, but there are alternatives or updates in some cases. I wouldnā€™t want to make music with gear that has workflow limitations that hinder things too much. With that said, some folks like that. Still makes music, not obsolete.

Youā€™re just not hitting the keys hard enough. User error!


I donā€™t think MC is an obsolete device now. Syntakt gives you the ability to expand on the possibilities of the MC, but MC on the other hand is very powerful in the sense that it is a more straight forward and simple machine to use.
Same goes for MC vs. DN: I own the Digitone as well, and while I love DN for many reasons (sound design capabilities, poliphony, etc), I also enjoy a lot the MC intuitive simplicity and the dirty sounds it is able to generate.

I got the syntact today. You canā€™t compare it. You have different and extended possibilities. Model Cycles is also a standalone instrument. Someone who only wants fm drums or a little more is well served with the cycles. Others would be overwhelmed by a syntakt and would only use it to 30%. Cycles will continue to sell well I think.


Iā€™ve got a MC heading my way. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think its main strength is its immediacy and I hope it will be a good performance device. The plan is to learn it inside out for improvisation and quick turnarounds live.

The Syntakt is definitely a nice box for that too, but the added complexity means more time getting the muscle memory in line, and never really having knob per function means you still have to think before jumping.

It depends on each individual but in the heat of the moment, they still are miles apart.


100% MC gives you almost that tactile approach you get with a modular

Today I got syntakt and I found it less fun than cycles


The ST is clearly an amazing box with a ton of versatility, utility, and fun-factor/inspiration-factor, but the core sound character of the M:C just seems better to me, based on the many demos of the ST Iā€™ve heard. My completely uneducated conjecture is that when you beef up versatility you naturally have to make compromises in processing power if you want to keep the product reasonably priced. Just a silly instinct/gut reaction I suppose.

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