Machinedrum black edition

Thanks man, will continue the hunt… :slight_smile:

Please bring back into stock the black face plate! I so very badly want one.


Same here, I’d buy one immediately.

I would love to get one aswell!

I have this faceplate.
I sold my MDUWMKII but I’m keeping it for another MD, one day…

Just thought I would chime in, first of all thanks for the love ! It means alot as these were a “passion” “labor of love”
We play around with the idea of a final run but as it stands, just swamped with other projects so no ETA/promises.
If it happens we will post here first.
Thanks again!


Ooh nice! If you ever do another run of the anodized red MD panels, I’ll have to sell my grandma for one :nyan:

I always thought that one looked really nice.

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Would 100% buy one of these if you do!

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Hello Sezare,
Si jamais tu souhaitais vendre cette “blackfaceplate” un jour, je suis sur Nantes!

MD and MNM MKI here definitely on board for the black!

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Got mine today from Audio Parasites and it looks great :+1:


I realize this is a vain hope… but if @dickmalibu ever makes more of his panels I’d immediately buy them :slight_smile:

… and if anyone has a MD one kicking around and wants some extra cash in their pocket DM me :slight_smile: