Machinedrum secondhand prices are getting crazy

Ah yes I forgot, MD has lower resolution but more character, that’s it? :content:

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the most boring subjective debate going. but ya, something about raw 12 bit breakbeats blah blah. :content:


They have really no decent competition. Especially now with the MegaCommand being available aswell, but even before there were no digital drum machine that were so complete as this one.
Ok, MonoMachine is / was even more unique and groundbreaking compared, and between these two i think i would keep the MnM but sell the MD, if i really had to choose. Because the MnM is so unique it has no comparison whatsoever. I can´t really explain, but the sum is more than the total of the parts. Much more!
Anyway, both my silver machines are going to be buried with me, for sure…


looking at the price

this post did not age well


What I would give to find one at that price, boy tines are a changin’

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Thats like looking at old MnM posts. People complaining that 900 is too much. Ha. :’(

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Where exactly will you be buried? Asking for a friend.


Lol. Burned.

I just purchased a mint mk2 uw plus drive for a little bit more than it originally retailed. They are going up of anything.


makes perfect sense

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I haven’t seen a UW Machinedrum for under 2000€ in the last months. Are the prices going to keep climbing up like this? Was there a similar period of time where these machines underwent such a price hike, or is it just a constant rise? I was in the market for a MK1 UW, for about 1000€.
Is waiting here a good idea, or should I rather immediately buy one?

At this point, it even seems like a better idea to just get a non UW and an Octatrack, or is that setup lacking something? (outside of the obvious stuff like portability).

The prices have been stupidly high for a while now. Part of the price is for the cool machine, the rest is a surcharge for collectibility. Being collectible doesn’t make it a better device, just a more expensive one. At these prices I’d look for an alternative.

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What about the non-UW? The cheapest one I found there was around 800. If i pair that with an Octatrack Mk1 (about 700), I would be about 1500 in. Would that be “worth it”? I mean, it seems like a good “workaround” to getting a Machinedrum UW experience, just with more options and it being cheaper. Or am I missing out something here? Thanks for taking the time.

That would definitely make sense. The resampling on the MD is not too great anyways as you cant make the sampled track silent and only listen to the playback of the sampled material, AFAIK anyways. Its the wild architecture and cool sound that makes the MD awesome.


I’d be on it, especially if it’s a mk2 non-UW (the convenience of 64 steps). That with the OT gives you a really powerful combo.

Gotta be honest, I have a mk2 uw and I don’t really use it for sampling, as the OT takes care of that for me.


It sadly is a MK1, and the only Machinedrum that I can find thats under 1000€. The MK2 would cost about 1000€. Are the differences very significant? Or rather, is the price bump for the MK2 worth it? Thanks for taking the time mate, this community is great!

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Upgrading from a regular mk1 to a mk2 was mostly about getting the 64 step sequencer and a slightly newer unit. I was lucky and bought mine just when the prices started going crazy. The mk1 will give you the same unique MD sound to work with for sure!

If you get the MD, do take a look at the new (unofficial) X.04 firmware and maybe also the MegaCommand Live. More info on those elsewhere on the forum.


Right, I see, I will definitely take a good look at both. Maybe there will be a good deal coming around for the MK2. I am pretty sold on the Octatrack/MD combo now, also regarding price/value.


I think the mkii is worth getting if you can. The power supply is easier to replace if needed, and it has 4 bar sequences not 2. You’re right that with an Octatrack the UW doesn’t offer much.

I originally had a mki, then switched up to mkii UW+, but I don’t really use the sampling now.


A really lovely and immensely powerful combo for sure! Hope you’ll find yourself a MD soon enough!

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