Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.04 Released [ Unofficial ]

mk2 non UW here, and working fine


Just installed it and I must say this is pretty incredible. The updates on the GND machines really expand the possibilities immensely. Thank you so much!! :heart: I would like to donate some money to you now. :slight_smile:


For individual track length and trig conditions would give up even Elvis!
(Sorry Elvis)
But please donā€™t get me wrong,I love the things your new OS offers!!
Donā€™t want to sound greedy hereā€¦
Cheers and Respect!


This is awesome. Is this project open-source? Could be interesting to see which parts of the os remain throughout more modern boxes to see if some similar updates could be made to these :o

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Just in case you need someone else to come in and thank the devā€™s of this new firmware and to wax lyrical about how good it is I thought Iā€™d pop my head into the thread. Seriously, this is superb. As others have said, if there is a way to contribute something to the devā€™s (or a charitable cause of their choice) then Iā€™m all in on that.

Of course, I just steamed in head first without reading the release notes (I didnā€™t RTFRL if you will) and so didnā€™t realise how TONAL mode worked properlyā€¦ so the first pattern i wrote with the GND-PU and GND-SW sounds fantastic and is some kind of mystery key. All good!


Just curious because it doesnā€™t seem to say in the Read Me, it says Mute/Solo actions are transmitted via Midi. I assume that means they can also be triggered by Midi? If so, what value needs to be sent to make that happen? SysEx, Note, CC?

Check the back of the MD manual for the CC parameters for mute.


This is amazing. I tried it today and I just canā€™t believe it. Congratulations!! Just one thing: I guess in LFOs, the left wave itā€™s not working with the VOL parameter. I tried to do the slow attack workaround with some of your new lfo sines and I couldnā€™t. Only works with the second sine, turning MIX to the right. Could be a bug? Thank s!!!

Look what youā€™ve done.


Iā€™ll sell mine for 3!



edit: also selling a DX100 for $800!?!

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Will sell my kidney before my MD(mk2 UW)ā€¦itā€™s my favorite from my 4 Elektrons(Md,Mnm,Ot,Rytm)
Would sell it if I could buy 2 mk2 UW from the price,to have one as backupā€¦
Actually I have a brand new untouched pcb for my MDā€¦so Iā€™m backed up I guessā€¦


Oh for some reason I thought it might be different. So if you send that value, would it depend on the last state to determine if it Mutes vs Solos?

Solo can be thought of as the inverse of mute.

So if you mute track 1, tracks 2 to 16 are solod by definition.

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@v-yadli @JustinValer ,if you need another ā€œtest pilotā€ (like @waftlord was now)let me know,and if I can help something,believe me,I will.
Iā€™m not as talented Md-wise as Waft,but if I can help,I will.
And like this you have to send ,just every second day stuff to Waftlord.:slight_smile:

If I think it over now,itā€™s more of a help to Waftlord,not youā€¦(you would still have to send stuff every day,just to different peopleā€¦)
Oh wellā€¦anywayā€¦
If this helps somehow,or I can be of any help to test,or smthg,let me know!
Iā€™m broke,but somehow I would like to honor the work you put into thisā€¦
Iā€™m really happy with this update!
(Thanks again!)

Hello, Iā€™ve a question @op

So on all tonal machines the pitch 64 value is equal to a A.
Then we agree we will have each time the same number of octaves from 0 to +64 on each machines.
So each machine in tonal has exactly the same number of chromatic notes playable, the only difference is the octave ?

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Did you guys implemented a param for CC solo ?

Each act has his consequences! @yatli :moyai:

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What a butterfly flapping wings and a X04 MD OS are able to do overseas?

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