Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.04 Released [ Unofficial ]

Is this [Elektron’s SysEx documentation for the MD] what you’re looking for?


@PeterHanes, easily the most helpful guy on the internet. Thanks for all the helpful info Pete.


Hi ! Can you share me the max4live patch please ? I already did one but I cannot trig the machine (with a selected note) in the same time, dunno how to do that… Maybe your patch can help me, I could share you mine then if it is perfectly working…


I just started. Need some work. But will share, of course !

Yeepee !

I’ve got an SPS-1 Mk 1 (32 step) and finding the upgrade gets stuck on the MD load screen after all the step LEDs are lit up. How quickly does the unit take to restart, because I’ve left it hanging for a while and it’s not doing anything.

Is this upgrade incompatible with my version of the MD?

Update was about 40 min for my MKII non UW with my old TM1 Interface. The unit rebooted immediately. Which Interface and software did you use for updating?
Should work for the MKI s…


I used CS, with MIDI cables going both ways, and Presonus MIDI interface set up in Configuration.

There’s no errors during transfer. It just hangs on the X.04 screen.

mk2 uw with c6 here. no turbo midi, just an m-audio midiuno midi-usb direct to pc.
took about 5 - 10 mins, rebooted itself straight away after. no issues.

Step LEDs shouldn’t light up on boot?

You could try a soft reset. Hold FUNC on power on, option 4.

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No, I mean after following the instructions of Option 5 (MIDI Upgrade), where each step LED lights up during transfer until all 16 are lit. After that it hangs.

Just tried powering off and on with Func + 4 and get the same X.04 screen :frowning:

Do you see the following 3 stages during the MIDI upgrade:

  1. “ready to receive midi upgrade”
  2. “preparing flash”
  3. “upgrading flash”

I definitely had Stage 1 throughout. I didn’t see any flash messages on OS X 0.4 though (I reloaded the original OS 1.63, and in that transfer, it did show the flash messages, and requested a restart).

Not sure why this OS isn’t taking.

You could try an EMPTY or FACTORY reset after flashing X.04, but that will result in losing all your data.

I know there were some hardware revisions of the MK1 models that affected firmware compatability.

For example:

Machinedrum Classic past serial number H60502047−45 should NOT be downgraded to OS versions below 1.31 because of internal hardware updates incompatible with previous versions

Is your MD serial below that range ?

My serial no. is B11000181-45, so I suspect it’s earlier.

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@v-yadli ^

Which FW version were you on?

OK, tried once again - after a reset to OS 1.63 - and it’s finally taken! Not sure what version was on there (I never actually checked as I only bought this 2 years ago).


Did you perform another reset, or just reflash ?

I did another reset, but this time it went past the OS screen and restarted fully.