Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.04 Released [ Unofficial ]

So this looks cool.

I’m not sure I understood part of the change log…

Can X.04 be installed over last released OS from Elektron? Or do you need to install each previous version?

Adding: which MDs can use this and which cannot.

I went straight from latest official to x.04 without problems.
reports earlier in the thread of every variant being compatible (mk1, mk2, +drive, UW)


thanks man :+1:t6:

its just this part I am unclear about and had me asking the question…

" ** Machinedrum Kit version increased to 64.1 **
Kit dumps from X.04 firmware will be tagged with version 64 revision 1.
Machinedrums running an older firmware will not support these dumps indicated by
a “SYSEX ERROR 4” message."

All old kits will still work (though you might have to change them back to DEFAULT mode from TONAL). They’ve stated that this info here means that kits made with the new OS won’t load on an older OS if you decide to downgrade for whatever reason.


AH…nice thanks. makes sense.
appreciate that :+1:t6:

the stuff I’ve heard sounds great :+1:t6:

MD is my new old favorite Elektron.

Melodic Moody Machinedrum



mine won’t install. keeps failing about 1/3 of the way thru

[never had issues before]

using C6 or sysexlibrarian? try slowing down the delay ticks, mine is most stable at 4ms when using browsers and other apps. (but takes a while)

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NVM…faulty MIDI Out cable :confused:

itworked…but it FUCKS UP the Ae sysex :slight_smile: sounds like shit…
which I’m gonna reset now anyways.

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uh…sorry bout’ all the questions…did the access to the machines change. FUNC+ENTER doesn’t do anything for me.

OMG its been so fucking long…I totally forget what im doing. disregard my stupid questions

no worries, enjoy diving back in! delete the Ae sysex, clear everything and start from nothing!

22.[KIT] key. Opens the KIT menu. The secondary function is opening the SONG menu. A [FUNCTION] + [KIT] long press will open the SELECT SAMPLE BANK menu.

just noticed this, is this a +drive only thing? god i’d love a +drive… imagine being able to switch banks with a simple long press. you lucky things…


I’m curious as to how you guys are able to program the machinedrum and is it possible to do this to the Octatrack?

i was privileged enough to get a peak behind the curtain during the construction of X.04 and can reveal it was a combination of a soldering iron, some twigs, a beautiful cat and plenty of elbow grease.
(also I shouldn’t use elektronauts when drunk)


twigs are powerful. I’ve seen Blair witch.


Oh man. I just jumped up outta my chair and tried this. Hella cool.

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? I guess in some regard I understand in that they don’t want someone using the software in a different device I guess so far as the capabilities/audio programming, but how does one then actually get to the place of being able to work on the firmware or create it, as in the type of programming. But as said, they can’t divulge so? But yeah, I am curious. It would be cool to be able to add features or mess with the code if it could be decompiled from the sysex file. Thanks for letting me know though.
I have a cat, not to pretty, twigs, solder, and plenty of elbow grease. And no alcohol. :laughing:

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Great work devs - could one of you @JustinValer @v-yadli comment on how the unison is working on the new machines - it seems to get quite unstable pitch wise after about twelve o’clock - is this by design? I realise there are different approaches to unison - seems like it’s detuning quite a bit to my ears

Yeah under the hood it’s a fine detuning shifting from the center – OSC2 downwards and OSC3 upwards – at a larger value it is indeed heavily detuned.


I was noticing that too. Been fiddling with the Comb filter of the Octatrack with wife unison of the MD. Pretty interesting.