Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.04 Released [ Unofficial ]

Sorry Rusty, I had a massive brain freeze :cold_face:

Just joking :stuck_out_tongue: Always good to get the info from the source :slight_smile:

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please move MegaCommand build discussion to: MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive


Thatā€™d be interesting for me, too. If not, would you be willing to make a non-UW version, @JustinValer ?

another quick tip on the S2 as it seems to work well for karplus strong. Use the s2 as an impulse machine and use external out C and connect the out put into an input machineā€¦ā€œgive both S2 and input machine delay (short 1 till 20 will work) now you got a physical modelled string sound, based on the karlpluss string algorithm, good luck!ā€

  • ecz2003 from elektron machinedrum tips.

Another quick trick with s2.
set up a EQ ctr-all track. Record in EQ plocks.
lock in recorded plocks on eq on s2 track.
modulate eq frequencys with a random LFO.
You can mute and umute the EQ ctr all to ā€˜lock inā€™ buffers.

the idea is derived from the next level MD trick:
Mimicking a tape sound effect (2010)
If you like dubby stuff, another trick I have done is tomodulate the global EQ with an LFOā€¦make
a tight peak in the upper frequencies and then modulate that frequency with a random LFO.
Gives a nice filtered hiss soundā€¦kinda simulating tape. I think you may have to do this the
round about way though. Using a control 8p to control the EQ frequency.


Well since noone answered I had to buy a UW versionā€¦ :crazy_face:


I have a general question. If I use the new OS on my uw+ mk2 without any mega command, i will have the exact same functionality plus the new snare model?
And, is backwards compatibility given when returning to the latest electron OS and I will open projects, kits etc from the unofficial OS?

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canā€™t vouch for opening newer OS project in older OS, but I advise you to take full backup of your :elmd: (never a bad idea) and try for yourself :wink: And yes, functionality should be the same minus some minor bugs that were fixed.

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Ok, great. Thx for the advice.

can this be confirmed by creator? I wanna try itā€¦but am leery.

can only give a non mega command user confirmation.

MDUW mk1 works (except kit ram menu bug flagged earlier but mk2s not affected)
patterns/kits import ok

unless you canā€™t make it through without S2, wait for next version, fingers crossed for midi note in phase reversal and fast Fourier transform processing in master FX :sweat_smile:

Everything ok here with 1.71 MD mk2 non uw

No bugs, no freezes

Enjoying amazing S2


its says minor bug fixesā€¦never noticed any bugs myself.
but I guess ill stay on 1.63 for now. I donā€™t need anymore more machines.



You can upgrade / downgrade without issue.

We donā€™t make any claims on firmware ā€˜safetyā€™ as this is an Unofficial Firmware release. You should use your own judgement here.

That being said, itā€™s tested/developed on MK2 UW units. There is one firmware for all MD models.


Thanks bro, Iā€™ll let the buyer know :v:

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MD Mk1 non UW. Everything fine and very sweet here.

old MD, seems to be a bit more stable with Max for live MD devices and midi. Oh, my old red devil is also working well with my MPC 2000xl. Combo heaven.
(Didnā€™t realize until today that the mpc XL can record MD p-lock data in its sequencer. Pretty freaking drippy trippy.)


Interesting. Is anyone else seeing better stability, or do we collectively think it might be more of a psychological effect? :slight_smile:

We havenā€™t made any changes that would influence stability.

The MD has always been super stable from 1.63


which M4L device is working the best for you?

Machine drum haters 2.
Iā€™ve been setting up control-all clips and seeing how far i can take it, which is pretty far. With too much info/data from M4L the MD did lock once and then i did a soft reset. Otherwise, working well.

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