Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.05: the living documentation

can you not record live encoder moves [automation to p-locks] on the NFX machines?

Ok this documentation is pretty much dead.
I’m curious about all the features I get over the stock os.
I have scoured the internet and found nothing that seems current and complete.
Where are the features itemized?

think you can find on a text file inside the Firmware folder


Yes, like @elektrobot7 said, all the changes and added features can be found in the readme file when you open the zip file in the opening post of this thread. Just scroll down the document and you can see all the updates in reverse chronological order.


Ok. Unzipping readmes kinda sux. I feel very fortunate it worked on my iPad though. Is listing the features prominently considered selling out? …

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Yeah, you gotta dig to figure out what this firmware does. And I’m personally not able to get the ringmod to work. Also can’t get anything out of the sidechain compression unless I really crank the makeup setting. Video tutorials on these new tricks would be sick!

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having been asked for a workflow breakdown for while i’ve finally uploaded one with a focus on NFX machines.
feeling rather naked and exposed…
if you like listening to the same 32 steps again and again you’re in the right place :slight_smile:
hoping this can give you ideas to expand upon for your own stuff.

Stereo youtoobe version


I hope this doesn’t piss off Justin - but here is the readme text with all the features from the current X.08 back to the way beginning.

  • Machinedrum OS X.08 Release information *

This is an unofficial firmware release and is not
affiliated or endorsed by Elektron.

How to upgrade:

  • Hold down the [FUNCTION] button while powering up.
  • This should take you to the Machinedrum boot menu.
  • Enter the “MIDI Upgrade” mode by pressing [5 LT].
  • Send either the SYSEX or the MIDI firmware file to the Machinedrum.

To transfer the SYSEX file we recommend using C6 − Sysex Tool by Elektron.
After starting the transfer you should see the trig LED’s lighting
up, and when the update is done the unit should reset itself and
boot the new OS.

Detailed instructions are available in the EARLY STARTUP MENU chapter
in the latest Machinedrum users manual.


The [redacted] development team

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS X.07 to X.08

** Bug Fixes **

  • Machinedrum would freeze when receiving a long stream of MIDI CC data.

Sysex Additons:

SYSEX status request:

MIDI Byte | Purpose

(SYSEX init)|
$70 | Status for parameter %aaaaaa (see list below)
%00aaaaaa |
%0bbbbbbb |
… |
$f7 |

0x5b Assign Machine Bulk:

%0bbbbbbb | Select track bbbbbbbb
| if track > 15, track = track - 16, machine is not assigned but cached.
%0bbbbbbb | Assign machine Model
%000000dc | c = 0 = SPS-1, c = 1 = SPS-1UW
| d = 1 = TONAL, d = 0 = DEFAULT

As previously described.

0x62 Load Machine Cache
16-bit mask
%0aaaaaaa | aaaaaaa = load machine cache, tracks 0-6
%0bbbbbbb | bbbbbbb = load machine cache, tracks 7-13
%000000cc | cc = load machine cache, tracks 14-15

Sysex Additons:

SYSEX load kit:

MIDI Byte | Purpose

(SYSEX init)|
$58 | Load kit ID
%00aaaaaa | Load kit %aaaaaa (0 to 63).
| if %aaaaaa > 63 load the undo kit.
$f7 |

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS X.06 to X.07

** Bug Fixes **

  • Parameter locks on a pattern’s first step would be ignored on sequencer start.
  • Song Mode would not honor row 0’s repetition count when starting via MIDI transport.

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS X.05C to X.06


** Solo Mode **

Solo Mode from within the Mute menu, is now accessible via [ Func ] + [ YES ].

** Bug Fixes **

Re-Allow MIDI track triggering from any channel in base channel range
Some tracks could become unmuted on sequencer stop start.
Enhanced MIDI processed corrupt MIDI packets at Turbo speeds.

Sysex Additons:

SYSEX load kit:

MIDI Byte | Purpose

(SYSEX init)|
$58 | Load kit ID
%00aaaaaa | Load kit %aaaaaa (0 to 63).
| if %aaaaaa > 63 load the undo kit.
$f7 |

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS X.05B to X.05C

** Bug Fixes **

  • Improve stability when performing pattern changes via MIDI notes defined in the Control Map Editor.

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS X.05A to X.05B

** Bug Fixes **

  • Fixed MIDI Program Change regression. Program Change messages would be ignored if they
    were outside of base channel range.
  • Enhanced mode: In some circumstances, GUI keys would become stuck.

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS X.05 to X.05A

** Bug Fixes **

  • NFX machine group was not accessible on non UW Machinedrums
  • Fixed MIDI regression. Incoming CC messages were responding outside of base channel range.

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS X.04 to X.05


** A new machine group NFX is added **

  • NFX-EV adds envelope and ring modulation to the neighbor tracks.
  • NFX-CO adds compression, side-chaining and make-up gain to the neighbors.
  • NFX-UC packs 2 universal comb filters into one machine, and can be programmed as
    various effects, such as chorus, flanger, vibrator, stereo imager etc.
    These new machines take input from the previous TWO neighbor tracks,
    and have the ability of multi-processing. This is achieved by intercepting raw
    synthesis signals (PAGE 1) from the neighbors, instead of FX-processed (PAGE 2)
    and routed (PAGE 3) signals. You can use LEVEL to balance the source and NFX,
    and apply different filter, EQ, reverb, delay etc. to source and NFX

** Two new INP machines are now available **
INP-CA and INP-CB take external inputs and apply compression and make-up.
If SIDE parameter is set to 0, INP-CA and INP-CB side chain will be linked.

** MD now responds to SDS dump requests instead of ignoring them **

** Improved MIDI Note and CC processing performance **
Re-implemented the handling of incoming MIDI Note and CC messages. They are now processed in
real time and are no longer subject to jitter or latency.

Bug fixes

Trig preview is now available in LFO settings page.
“Sticky” trig preview is now fixed.
Machine copy now retains tonal setting.
“EMPTY POSITION” when renaming a sample in the sample manager is fixed.
Sample slots query SYSEX now correctly reports the number of available ROM slots.
Increased resoluton of tonal tuning table to improve tuning accuracy when receiving pitch CC.
Entering Scale menu, and then releasing [Scale] key would unexpectedly change pattern/track length.
Extended status request 0x5b (Assign Machine Bulk), could break machine model in some circumstances.

Sysex Additons:

SYSEX status request:

MIDI Byte | Purpose

(SYSEX init)|
$70 | Status for parameter %aaaaaa (see list below)
%00aaaaaa |
%0bbbbbbb |
… |
$f7 |

0x31 Enable/disable Trig Interface mode:
%0000000b | bb: 0x01 = Enable
%0000000b | bb: 0x00 = Disable

0x32 Enable/disable Track Select mode:
%0000000b | bb: 0x01 = Enable
%0000000b | bb: 0x00 = Disable

MD will send a sysex reply message each time track is changed with some useful information encoded.
$70 |
$32 |
%aaaabbbb | aaaa = extended mode, bbbb = base channel
%cccccccc | ccccccc = current track
%ddddeeee | dddd = current synth page, eeee = current bank/group
%000000fg | f = tuning, g = UW
%hhhhhhhh | track model

If in Enhanced mode, and scale menu is open, adjusting the scale settings will send a track select
reply with two additional bytes.

  %iiiiiii | iiiiiii = track length
  %jjjjjjj | jjjjjjj = track speed

0x33 Query Mute state

This now replies a 16-bit mask, spread across 3 data bytes.

    $70 |
    $33 |

%0aaaaaaa | aaaaaaa = mutes tracks 1-7
%0bbbbbbb | bbbbbbb = mutes tracks 8-14
%000000cc | cc = mutes tracks 15-16

0x34 Query Sample Slot

Replies MD Sample Slots:
$70 |
$34 |
%0aaaaaaa | Number of slots
%0bbbbbbb | Byte 1 = slot0_name[0]

%0bbbbbbb | Byte 6 = slot0_name[5]

%0bbbbbbb | Byte 7 = slot1_name[0]

%0bbbbbbb | Byte 12 = slot1_name[5]

0x35 Set Trig Interface LEDs:

%0bbbbbbb | LEDs 0 -> 6
%0bbbbbbb | LEds 7 -> 14
%00bbaacc | bb: Leds 15 -> 16
aa: 0 = Overlay mode, 1 = StepEdit mode, 2 = Exclusive
cc: 0 = Static, 1 = Blink

0x36 Encoder Interface Enable:

%0000000c | c = 0 = off, c = 1 = on
%0bbbbbbb | Byte 1

%0bbbbbbb | Byte 27

Allows access to data entry / parameter lock overlay for the MD encoders.

byte[27] is a 24 byte array 7-bit packed (elektron style).
Each byte represents the value of a parameter lock, if the value = 255,
then the lock is clear.

0x37 Enhanced GUI Enable:

%0000000c | c = 0 = off, c = 1 = on

Allows access to Enhanced Mode via [Classic/Extended] key.

When Enhanced Mode is enabled, a subset of the MD GUI is redirect away from internal control and
outputed as external MIDI sysex. This, in conjunction with Trig Interface + Encoder Interface allows the
MD’s GUI to be used as a control surface.

0x38 Set Sequencer Page:

%0000bbb | page

0x3A Set Enhanced Record Mode:

%00000bb | bbb = 0 = off, 1 = step, 2 = record

This does not toggle the internal sequencer record state, but rather the enhanced gui record/editing state.
The cursor position during step mode can be controlled using the 0x3D command below.

0x3B Display Text Popup:

%000000b | b = 0 = ephemeral, b = 1 = persistant.
%0bbbbbb | Byte 1

%0bbbbbb | Byte N, where N <= 16

if N = 1, byte[1] is a preset action string.
if N > 1, byte[1…N] is a string of chars.

0x3C Draw Command(s)

%0aaaaaa | Sub command
%0bbbbbb | data
%0cccccc | data
%0dddddd | data

  aaaaaaa = 0x20 Show microtiming popup:
  bbbbbbb = speed (0 = 1x, 1 = 2x, 2 = 3/4x, 3 = 3/2x, 4 = 1/2x, 5 = 1/4x, 6 = 1/8x)
  ccccccc = timing

  aaaaaaa = 0x21 Close microtiming popup

  aaaaaaa = 0x20 Draw pattern/pattern change label:
  bbbbbbb = current pattern id
  ccccccc = next pattern id
  000000d = chain on or off

  aaaaaaa = 0x22 Show bank select popup
  bbbbbbb = bank

  aaaaaaa = 0x23 Close bank select popup

0x3D Synchronise Enhanced Sequencer Cursor:

%0aaaaaa | length
%0bbbbbb | speed
%0cccccc | step position

0x3E Enhanced MIDI Enable:

%0000000c | c = 0 = off, c = 1 = on

When enabled, NOTE ON messages received from BaseChannel + 1 or BaseChannel + 2
will be treated as a trigger mask, allowing multiple tracks to be triggered from a single note on message.

a = Track 1, b = Track 2, c = Track 3… m = Track 15, n = Track 16

msg[0] = %1001nnnn = NOTE_ON

if (nnnn == BaseChannel + 1) {
msg[1] = %0fedcba
msg[2] = %0lkjihg

if (nnnn == BaseChannel + 2) {
msg[1] = %0XXXXnm
msg[2] = %0XXXXXX

0x3F Get Tempo:

Replies MD tempo:
$70 |
$3F |
%0aaaaaaa | Upper bits
%0bbbbbbb | Lower bits

Note: Tempo = %aaaaaaabbbbbbb / 24, max 300 BPM, min 30 BPM

** Trig Interface (TI) Extended Response: **

The TI extensions are now enabled when Enhanced Mode is active.

MIDI Byte | Purpose

SYSEX) | Realtime Universal System Exclusive Header
$0D | Status for parameter %aaaaaa (see list below)
%0aaaaaaa | if (aaaaaaa >= 64) Button Press
| else { Button Release }
< Following commands are sent when Trig Interface is active >

        | aaaaaaa = [ 0x00 .. 0x0F ] = Trigs 0 to 16

                  < Following commands are sent when Enhanced Mode is active >

        |         = [ 0x10 .. 0x18 ] = Encoder Buttons 1 to 8
        |         = [ 0x1A .. 0x1D ] = Bank buttons A to D
        |         = 0x1E BANK GROUP
        |         = 0x1F SONG
        |         = 0x20 REC
        |         = 0x25 = FUNCTION
        |         = 0x26 = FUNCTION + LEFT
        |         = 0x27 = FUNCTION + RIGHT
        |         = 0x28 = YES
        |         = 0x29 = NO
        |         = 0x2a = SCALE
        |         = 0x30 = UP
        |         = 0x31 = DOWN
        |         = 0x32 = STOP
        |         = 0x34 = COPY
        |         = 0x35 = CLEAR
        |         = 0x37 = REALTIME REC
        |         = 0x3A = FUNCTION + YES
        |         = 0x3B = FUNCTION + EXTENDED

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS X.03 to X.04


** Three new GND machines are now available. **
GND-SN-PRO is a compatible model for GND-SN, featuring up to 4 sine OSCs.
GND-SW is a sawtooth/triangle machine with up to 3 variable waveform OSCs.
GND-PU is a pulse wave machine with adjustable duty ratio and up to 3 OSCs.
All new GND machines have relative pitches for additional OSCs, and UNISON

** The following machines gain a new tuning setting: **
The “EDIT KIT” menu is updated to incorporate the tuning setting per-track. In
addition to SYNTH, MACHINE and RELATE, one can use [LEFT]/[RIGHT] keys to
access the tonality setting in the right upper corner of the menu, and toggle
between “DEFAULT” and “TONAL” with [UP]/[DOWN] keys.

“TONAL” tuning implements a quater-tone equal tempered tuning scale across the PTCH
parameter of selected machines. When enabled, TONAL has the added benefit of
increasing the machine’s maximum tuning range.

** Machinedrum Kit version increased to 64.1 **
Kit dumps from X.04 firmware will be tagged with version 64 revision 1.
Machinedrums running an older firmware will not support these dumps indicated by
a “SYSEX ERROR 4” message.

Changes from Kit Version 4.1 to 64.1:

When set, bit 17 of uint32_t model indicates the model tuning is tonal.

** TRX-S2 decay and noise parameters sensitivity has been improved" **

** New LFO shapes are available: SINE, REV-LINEAR, REV-EXP, NOTCH and STEP. **

** Trigger groups can be arbitrarily chained. **
For example, you can set track 1 to trigger track 2 and track 2 to trigger
track 3, and thus track 1 will trigger all three tracks.

** Triggers can now be previewed in step editing mode. **
Hold a P-locked trigger and press [ENTER] will preview the P-locked sound.

** Solo Mode **
From the mute menu, you can now toggle between MUTE/SOLO mode with [ENTER].
The toggle also functions as a mute inversion tool, so that you can switch
between two playback states.

** Mute/solo actions are now transmitted via MIDI. **

** Trig Interface (TI) Extended Response: **

The TI has been extended to respond to press and release of some command keys.

MIDI Byte | Purpose

SYSEX) | Realtime Universal System Exclusive Header
$0D | Status for parameter %aaaaaa (see list below)
%0aaaaaaa | if (aaaaaaa >= 64) Button Press
| else { Button Release }
| aaaaaaa = [ 0x00 … 0x0F ] = Trigs 0 to 16
| = 0x25 = FUNCTION
| = 0x26 = FUNCTION + LEFT
| = 0x27 = FUNCTION + RIGHT
| = 0x28 = YES
| = 0x29 = NO
| = 0x2a = SCALE
| = 0x30 = UP
| = 0x31 = DOWN
$f7 |

** Status request 0x5b (Assign Machine Bulk): has been updated to support machine tuning **

SYSEX status request:

MIDI Byte | Purpose

(SYSEX init)|
$70 | Status for parameter %aaaaaa (see list below)
%00aaaaaa |
%0bbbbbbb |
… |
$f7 |

0x5b Assign Machine Bulk:

%0000bbbb | Select track bbbbb
%0bbbbbbb | Assign machine Model
%000000dc | c = 0 = SPS-1, c = 1 = SPS-1UW
| d = 1 = TONAL, d = 0 = DEFAULT

As previously described.

Bug fixes

Sound triggered by external MIDI is no longer phase-inverted.
Status request 0x5b would ignore ROM-48, and not support short messages in some circumstances.

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS X.02 to X.03

The X.03 firmware features additional expansion of the Machinedrum’s
MIDI SYSEX Specificaiton.

We have included more efficient commands for updating multiple kit parameters
simultaneously and functionality for controlling the Trig LEDs.


When TrigInterface mode is enabled, the Machinedrum will automatically
exit any menu using the TrigInterface such as Record Mode and Mute menu.

When sending kit to workspace, the workspace kit will be copied to the
UNDO kit. [ Function ] + [ Extended ] will therefore reload the workspace

SYSEX status request:

MIDI Byte | Purpose

(SYSEX init)|
$70 | Status for parameter %aaaaaa (see list below)
%00aaaaaa |
%0bbbbbbb |
… |
$f7 |

0x01 Current global slot (0 to 7)
0x02 Current kit number (0 to 63)
0x04 Current pattern number (A1=0, A2=1, … B1=16, …)
0x08 Current song number (0 to 31)
0x10 Current sequencer mode (pattern mode=0, song mode=1)
0x20 Current lock mode (classic=0, extended=1)

0x30 Firmware capabilities:
Returns a multibyte bitmask indicating available firmware features

0x31 Enable/disable Trig Interface mode:
%0000000b | bb: 0x01 = Enable
%0000000b | bb: 0x00 = Disable

0x32 Enable/disable Track Select mode:
%0000000b | bb: 0x01 = Enable
%0000000b | bb: 0x00 = Disable

0x33 Query mute state

0x34 Query sample slot:
%0bbbbbbb | Slot Number

0x35 Set Trig Interface LEDs:
%0bbbbbbb | LEDs 0 -> 6
%0bbbbbbb | LEds 7 -> 14
%0000aabb | bb: Leds 15 -> 16
aa: 0 = Overlay mode, 1 = StepEdit mode, 2 = Exclusive

0x40 Kit Dump Workspace

0x41 Kit Recv Workspace:
%0bbbbbbb | kit data 0

%0bbbbbbb | kit data end

0x42 UndoKit Sync:
Copy contents of workspace kit into the UNDO kit.

0x5b Assign Machine Bulk:
%0000bbbb | Select track bbbbb
%0bbbbbbb | Assign machine Model
%0000000c | 0 = SPS-1, 1 = SPS-1UW

%0bbbbbbb | Synthesis parameter 0 ... | %0bbbbbbb | Synthesis parameter 23 %0000bbbb | LFO destination track %0bbbbbbb | LFO destinaiton param number %0bbbbbbb | LFO shape1 %0bbbbbbb | LFO shape2 %0bbbbbbb | LFO type %0000bbbb | trig group %0000bbbb | mute group %0bbbbbbb | track level

0x5c Set Track Routing Bulk:
%0bbbbbbb | Track 1 Destination

%0bbbbbbb | Track 16 Destination

0x5d Set FX Delay Bulk:
0x5e Set FX Reverb Bulk:
0x5f Set FX EQ Bulk:
0x60 Set FX Dynamics Bulk:
%0bbbbbbb | FX parameter 0

%0bbbbbbb | FX parameter 7

0x61 Set FX Bulk:
%0bbbbbbb | FX parameter 0

%0bbbbbbb | FX parameter 23

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS 1.71 to X.02


The versioning scheme has changed to ‘X.vv’ to indicate this is not an official

Bug fixes

Fix the disappearance of RAM machines on MKI models.

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS 1.70 to 1.71


A hidden machine, TRX-S2, is now available. The machine can be accessed
in the TRX category, below TRX-B2.

Sample slot query command 0x34 now returns information for all ROM slots.

MIDI Byte | Purpose

(SYSEX init)|
$70 | Status query.
$34 | Sample slots query. The slot id param is removed.
$f7 |

The response message contains n, the number of available slots (30 for MKI and
48 for MKII), followed by n 5-byte slot information.

MIDI Byte | Purpose

(SYSEX init)|
$72 | Status response.
$34 | Sample slots query response.
%0aaaaaa | n, the number of available slots.
… | ROM-01, 4 bytes ASCII name (7-bit)…
%000000b | … b=0 if slot is empty
… | ROM-02, 4 bytes ASCII name (7-bit)…
%000000b | … b=0 if slot is empty
… |
$f7 |

Bug fixes

SYSEX kit dump receive bug:
Fixed regression when storing kits to a specific slot.

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS-1 OS 1.63 to 1.70


Updates to the MD’s SYSEX specification are listed below.

SYSEX kit request:

MIDI Byte | Purpose

(SYSEX init)|
$53 | Kit dump request ID
%0aaaaaaa | Send kit number %0aaaaaa ( 0 to 63 )
If kit number >= 64, the current unsaved kit data (workspace)
is sent.

SYSEX kit sysex dump:

MIDI Byte | Purpose

(SYSEX init)|
$52 | Kit dump ID
$04 | Version
%0aaaaaaa | Kit originalPosition %0aaaaaa ( 0 to 63 )
If kit number >= 64, the kit is copied to the current
unsaved kit data (workspace)

SYSEX status request:

MIDI Byte | Purpose

(SYSEX init)|
$70 | Status for parameter %aaaaaa (see list below)
%00aaaaaa |
%0bbbbbbb |
$f7 |

0x01 Current global slot (0 to 7)
0x02 Current kit number (0 to 63)
0x04 Current pattern number (A1=0, A2=1, … B1=16, …)
0x08 Current song number (0 to 31)
0x10 Current sequencer mode (pattern mode=0, song mode=1)
0x20 Current lock mode (classic=0, extended=1)

0x30 Firmware capabilities:
Returns a multibyte bitmask indicating available firmware features

0x31 Enable/disable Trig Interface mode:
%0000000b | bb: 0x01 = Enable
%0000000b | bb: 0x00 = Disable

0x32 Enable/disable Track Select mode:
%0000000b | bb: 0x01 = Enable
%0000000b | bb: 0x00 = Disable

0x33 Query mute state

0x34 Query sample slot:
%0bbbbbbb | Slot Number

Trig Interface (TI) Response:

When the TI is enabled, the Machinedrum will send a SYSEX message upon
trig key press, without triggering internal sounds.
This can be used to extend the GUI of an attached MIDI devices.

MIDI Byte | Purpose

SYSEX) | Realtime Universal System Exclusive Header
$0D | Status for parameter %aaaaaa (see list below)
%0aaaaaaa | if (%0aaaaaaa >= 64) Trig on
| else { Trig off }
$f7 |

Track Select Response:

When Track Select is enabled, the Machinedrum will send a SYSEX message
when the current track is changed.

MIDI Byte | Purpose

SYSEX) | Realtime Universal System Exclusive Header
$0E | Status for parameter %aaaaaa (see list below)
%000aaaa | Current MD track.
$f7 |

Bug fixes

SDS Lockup bug:
Sending samples to the MD could cause the buttons and encoders
to become unresponsive, requiring a restart.

List of changes from Machinedrum SPS−1 OS 1.62 to 1.63


Program change channel can now be selected in the Global
settings. Base means receiving only on the four MIDI channels
the Machinedrum usually reacts to.

Bug fixes
Song Pointer Position did not work properly without a MIDI base
channel assigned. Fixed.
− +Drive −
INP machines soundes strange during Snapshot change. Fixed.


I would really like to try the new features but I can’t get my MD SPS-1 to update to these custom firmwares…I tried it with 0.4 up to 0.8. none would work through the sysex page of transfer even tho everything seemed to go ok both on the computer side and on the MD…Any tips what I might do to get it working, please?
Ps.: I m on 1.63

PPS: I just got it finally working after I changed the midi interface …:grinning:


4 posts were split to a new topic: Learning code + music

Does it mean it brings RAM machines to MKIs ?

Nobody ?

There was a bug way back on an early X version that affected the machine list in kit menu due to the addition of new NFX machines. So ram machines weren’t visible on mk1UWs. Fixed ages ago.

So no. It doesn’t bring UW features to standard mk1s.


Thanks to confirm ! One can dream, with some firmware magic. I guess UWs use a specific hardware.

I bought an MD MKI 400€ yesterday. :wink:


Some tips about these?
Seems like I had inconsistent behavior…

i think of TD as kind of portamento time for the changes made to the TIM (0=instant 127=slow)

I think of TI as a kind of spring that changes the time/amount it takes to back and forth stabilise the TIM after it moves (0 = instant 127 = extreme)

The NFX-UC is a nuts machine and it’s only with several LFOs and/or slides etc that it’s potential becomes unlocked.

If your TIM params aren’t being modulated you won’t hear the TD and TI do much.


There’s a pseudo hidden synth available using the GND-IM machine as an audio source for the UC, and triggering it from the UC using TIM as pitch, TD can then be used like a portamento. put the UC in tonal mode for quarter tone TIM pitch tracking.

You can use all kinds of machines as sources for different results but the IM is a nice stable way of pinging it.

alongside extreme flanging and phasing (that i’m guilty of) i’d like to see more use of it as a subtle chorus or stereo imaging device in combo with the source machines audio.


That’s what I noticed, the lfo was on time parameter. Need to check that.

Thanks for tips. I’m used to OT comb filters, and to use 2 of them with opposite feedback.
Great MD feature addition.

OT noise + comb :