Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.08 Released [ Unofficial ]

I noticed a bug, the MD freeze sometime when changing patterns and adding new instruments with NFX machine, i think it’s coming from UC FX or the LFO. I had some os4 patterns in this project, do you think this can cause conflict with new patterns OS5?

Hate to tell you Justin but even with the hot fix B my MD UW MK2+ freezes every 2 mins without any new machines added. I’m going to have to go back to 0.4 for now

Telling us that your MD is freezing, without providing any context is quite unhelpful.


Absolutely loving the NFX machines in X.05. Thank you so much.

I don’t know what to say ! This machine is evolving thanks to you.
I’m going down on it this afternoon for a stress test.
Is there a link where we can drop a penny for all the hard work ?

is the discord invite link broken?

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Thanks for letting me know. I’ve updated the link:

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So sorry Justin - had to downgrade to work on a project this weekend.

My machine took the X.05 upgrade fine. I didn’t load any of the new machines. I was sending a ton of midi data through the machinedrum to other downstream synths but none of it was to control or change parameters on the MD and after playing a few bars it would freeze. Rebooting worked but the same thing would happen again a short time later.

Happy to try to isolate the problem for you but not sure how I can.

A Deluge is my master clock/sequencer.

And please don’t take my report as any disrespect! You have done an AMAZING job with your new OS updates and I am so grateful!


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Thanks for the detailed explanation. If you can work out what MIDI data is causing the freeze, then we can fix it.

If you’re not using the MD’s Map Editor, you could try to disable (–) everything in the Mapping sections and see from there.

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Ok thanks for the tip - I’ll reload and play it without any midi thru data and then disable the mapping and try what froze it this weekend. Thanks all!

I’ve also run into the freeze bug. My MD getting MIDI sync data only, and the base channels are --. It’s synced to MnM SFX-6, but also froze yesterday, when I was syncing it to another MD. I’ll try to see if I can reproduce the bug. I did something on the MnM earlier, which seemed to cause it, but I didn’t register exactly what happened.

I’m so grateful for the work which has been put into this update. Thank you so much!

Also, occasionally trigs can’t be removed. Toggling “Record” fixes this. I’m on a SPS-1 UW Mkii.

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I’ve also encountered this behaviour. Haven’t figured out a logic for it tho, nor does it bother me too much. Running the MD solo here and absolutely loving the update(s) still!

Does it work for machinedrum mk1 too? Dont have uw :frowning:



I was able to replicate the crashing by hammering the MD with MIDI notes mapped to pattern change.

I have a fix in place that is pending review and testing. If you guys want to help to test, feel free to jump on the discord.



I had issues with pattern change trigged by notes in Bitwig. I upgraded with the X.05 hoping it could solve this and the midi upgrade worked fine, but i’m still stumbling on the same problem :

  • in the MD Global parameters, i set the trig mode to STRT
  • i use the Machinedrum as slave, Bitwig sending the clock
  • the timing seems ok first but as soon as i’m sending notes to change patterns, the sync appears to be drifting each time a note is trigged : the first note of the pattern is doubled, or not played.

I tried to use the Machinde drum as sync master but the problem is still here : the notes seem to mess with the timing, going up or down, when they are sent to the MD.

Maybe i’m doing something wrong but i wanted to be sure.


Possibly so obvious that you have already ruled this out but have you checked for any midi loops? Might be helpful to use a tool such as MIDI Monitor to get an idea of what’s going on in any case.

I previously disconnected the output MIDI port of the MD to check if a loop could cause this, and found the same issue. Could be something else, so i will monitor this to be sure.