Make Noise Strega

Touchplates confirmed!

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Ooooooh that be sounding nice now

Sounds beautiful.


I am stuffing dollar bills into the vents of my computer.


refreshing Perfect Circuit and CONTROL like a fiend.

Sounds decent , but I’ll pass. Great for people getting into MN and the touch plates are a nice addition


SD card @d2ba?

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Sounds very dronish and STOish…

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Sounds broken :expressionless:,…:thinking: I like it :slightly_smiling_face:


The ext input is veery interesting. Lovely dirtiness…


Same fam same.


$599 Late Feb!

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I think I should just keep fiddling with my DPO and Chronoblob…

… looks at bank account


Yep, it’s not for me. I’m currently trying to clean up and create more space in my music – and this is the exact opposite of that haha, but cool nonetheless. Okay, back to saving for a black Octatrack.


I am maybe a little disappointed its the pt2399 delay. I would rather have had a paired down mimeophon in there.

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0-coast guy here. Will be interested to hear how it handles shorter enveloped lines. Noisy droney sounds not my style.

Really excited to see what people do with this, it seems like a very unique instrument with lots of Coritini’s personality in it. I’m in the same boat as @craig and others here; not going to pick it up for myself but still very stoked for Make Noise / Cortini / everyone who dives into it.


I think it’s going to be an interesting instrument. Definitely one of those where you can’t judge it by the sum of its parts… have to take it on the whole…

The touch-plates, and the variation they can introduce, along with the looping envelope that you can patch elsewhere make the whole package enticing, for sure!


Yeah I’m definitely intrigued, I’m guessing the video tomorrow will likely give a bit better idea of all the functions going on. I could see it as a part of my little semi modular rig.

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Unfortunately very interesting! Raises my Interest in 0 Coast as well.

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waited an hour for the video and ten minutes in he still hasn’t given a proper overview, he’s just f-ing about. this is the video MN thought was so good they delayed their proper announcement video…? OK, then.