Marketplace revenue discussion

Except for policing content… as mentioned one is a dedicated platform where that is what they do.

Here it’s just a generous extension.

There aren’t a ton of moderators policing the marketplace would be a full time thing… probably why they’re reluctant to add more rules.


Do as you please. I was just asking for clarification, maybe it’s obvious to you, but different minds sometimes work in different ways.

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You can pm the mod, or ask for public clarification. I don’t read any room for negotiation as to new marketplace policies. If you do, it’s at your discretion. Different minds sometimes work in different ways.

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This forum is small in scale and will not develop those kinds of relationships with small vendors I would imagine. There’s not the much broader reach of Gearspace that would draw in the energy to reach so few people for the isolated effort.

Is there a particular type of vendor you’re concerned about?

I get wanting the data, but the level of micromanagement you are burdening people with for arbitrary, less worthwhile data (compared to the scale of somewhere like Reverb/eBay) is just not a reasonable ask for people to conform to.

It makes so much more sense to check historical auction site/bazaar data, current site offers, correlate to new prices (with any available discounts or taxes added.)

This gets asked on Modwiggler as well with rare or unavailable modules, but just build your own model based on availability and last sold prices.

Archiving threads forever is not a realistic option, you’ll still need to gauge based on actual buyer interest and modify based on what people actually want! No need to go back and find something from 2 years ago where someone bought the module for some price.

Having archival listings will not reduce the cognitive overhead of flipping modules, or guarantee you have an accurate mental picture or min/maxing. I don’t think it’ll solve any problem for you, but it’ll add noise and annoyance for everyone else’s experience.

This, it could be useful in context of an additional platform among others, but there is nothing on its own that makes Elektronauts thread a useful contribution to modeling the value of any particular gizmo.

Well, in that you can find archival data on Reverb that meets your needs without needing to add restrictive “features” that add nothing to a user’s experience to Elektronauts.

If anything, more attention and focus on commercial sales and reseller/flipper price analysis would worsen my experience.

Again, of course I understand the ask!

In practice it’s more of a waste of time for all, including myself when I both sell items through 'nauts and as an additional data point when constructing value.

I wholeheartedly agree and have advocated for this - even from a transparency perspective - we have seen scammers re-list items they’d ‘sold’

This is why i had previously taken time to note, where locking, the item description.

Everything is visible to the admins, but i believe the benefits are to the broader community to have access to such info - it paints a picture, often helpfully showing how other items were positioned … not forgetting the simple advantage of being able to follow that which might have caught your eye

Judging by the posts above, that might be best. We’ll clarify this offline.

This along with the other posts is all a little too, dare i suggest, passive aggressive for the context - there is no need for all these additional remarks, they’re clearly ruffling feathers

For someone not actively using the Marketplace (except for commenting) this is all rather unnecessary and time consuming. These ‘interventions’ aren’t at all helpful as they provoke responses like these.

Please don’t speak for me, i don’t welcome PMs

This is wide of the mark, but as things stand there is absolutely no pressing need for change or for further clarification on anything that you ‘suggested’.

Let’s park this for now, there will be some fine-tuning to how it is administered and explained, but for now people are mostly being responsible (only one scam recently (since hiding it) after many in the early years when it was visible to the public)


Do you use reverb?

New thread created. Some posts moved out of the rules thread. Sorry if any were made out of chronological order.


Yeah, I’m obviously opinionated on the matter but I don’t see anything wrong with someone pleading their case either.