Mask 1 — Keyboard from Kodamo

The synth is gorgeous! I mean, there’s something to be said for a big field of knobs, but this is clean, simple, has a unique interface, and IMO is more about the expressive playing of the synth, than just twirling knobs. And I AM a knob twirling sound designer who can’t live without them normally. I still think this looks pretty much perfect though.

Always thought the M.A.S.K. toys were pretty cool! They came along just a bit late for me though.

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I agree it’s a beauty. I can also envision this design as looking quite nice as a rackmount.


Definitely. It would look good sitting above or below an Essence, provided they had matching knobs. :smiley:

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This and that 3rd Wave synth are easily the best looking modern synths I have seen.

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Surprised there’s not more interest on this. I can see the Mask1 UI being divisive, but I think this is a definite buy for me.

Official “release” dropped last night ($2077 for the US folks), but as of now the good people at Perfect Circuit do not have an ETA for preorders.

EDIT: Preorders are now up at Perfect Circuit for $2290 MSRP. Unfortunately, that starts to price me out. I was hoping for a 10% discount to get this down to the $1800 range.


The world is headed into financial uncertainty–they should of released their long teased “entry level” bitmasker instead.


Fair point, I hope they’re still working on that.

Not sure when I’ll end up picking one up, but its the first bit of new gear to get me excited in a while.


Me too…I checked their forum and it doesn’t seem like they’ve made many decisions in regards to that although it apparently will use the same engine as the Mask 1.

The synthesis sounds great, but it’s all digital with a minimally hands-on interface. It’s a hard sell when it’s embedded in a large, expensive keyboard.

I’m very interested in the Bitmasker, however.


Yeah, that interface doesn’t inspire confidence. But maybe it’s a shallow set of menus like an Elektron? That wouldn’t be so bad. It’s literally the exact sound I want out of a digital synth, basically perfect on that front. A module version would be an instant buy for me.


It looks and sounds really nice, I just find it a bit of a weird general proposition. All digital, minimal interface, a lot of focus on expressive playing modes and the high price point just screams ‘this doesn’t quite make sense as a purchase without polyphonic aftertouch’ for me.

They are asking for input regarding the bitmasker on their forum btw, for anyone who might be interested.

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I frankly don’t know how anyone manages to sell synths with keyboards in them these days. I assume anyone in this game more than 10 years has bought a Sequential, Roland, Yamaha, or something. Stage performers have a Nord, guaranteed. Hobbyists all have a keystep. Electronic lifers either have one of the 80 really amazing MPE controllers that have come out or a crazy complex sequencer brain…

The market for selling to someone who has the need, space, and wallet for a keyboard synth just seems really, really small to me.

And — I know I’m beating a dead horse but I want to clear I’m very pro this synth — were there a $1200 rack/desktop of this in the style of the EFM, I’d be there.


In-depth review in French here with audio/video examples : Test Kodamo Mask1 - Audiofanzine

Hm whats that?

Edit: an old linndrum? Looked like the a companion Kodamo drummachine with the matchning color and all…


From the web-site GoatStump linked :

It’s not just the notes

Most synths just play the notes you press. We went a bit further, by looking at how the notes interact with each other. Only by playing the keyboard, you can control when the attacks are triggered, how notes are tied or separated from each other, or if they should keep resonating or stop each other like if they were played on the same string on a stringed instrument. You will discover new ways of playing the keyboard.

This goes along with my post upthread, that lists all the different keyboard playing modes that get attached internally to each patch. I think Kodamo has in mind that there are other ways to make a keyboard advanced and expressive, beyond poly-aftertouch. Seems to me they have focused on. removing certain aspects of synth design that have complicated some synths of late, to present a less-is-more design

I think asking for this to be a module instead is missing a large focus of this keyboard synth’s design. Whether they will be successful though with their choices, is to be seen. Kodamo is most definitely a synth designer with strong visions, and it’s nice to see companies who follow their vision.


It’s actually the only synth that I’m actively looking forward to acquiring. I basically have everything I want or need currently, but this one is something that I must have. Just working on putting a wee bit more cash together for it, and then I’m ordering.

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I can’t afford this hobby anymore. :slightly_frowning_face:


I’m totally diggin’ the more out-there soundscape patches from this thing.