Master track length in scale screen

This is driving me insane. I watched a couple tutorials on the OT mk2. I have the mk1. But I was able to follow no problem and get it done. Except I saw that on the FUNC + SCALE screen he had master track length right below the 64/64 of the scale setting. Mine does not. Figured it was put there in the mk2 like AED button to make things easier. Then I saw a tutorial today done on the mk1 and his is there in that same spot, wtf?! I cannot figure out how to get my master track length on that screen. I messaged the guy who made the tutorial, but as you can imagine, it’s old. So who knows where that guy is?? Can someone tell me where the F to find the setting to add that to my scale screen?? Thanks in advance. :flushed:

Pattern settings menu [Function]+[Bank].
Set scale mode to ‘per track’.

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Ah ha! Thank you! I’ve gotten pretty good pretty quick with this guy, and then boom something really dumb crops up and I realize I’m a noob. Lol

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You’re welcome!

Btw, when you select master length with the arrow keys, you can go up/down in increments of 16 with [Function] + [Up/Down].
Much faster that way.

Cool thanks, those kinds of tricks are on dn and dt. So I get those. It’s the deeper weirder stuff on the OT that makes me balder.