Mastering through an Analog Heat (video)

I look forward to seeing Hydrasynth and Argon8 demos through Heat at some stage.
Warming up and saturating analog sound sources is one thing, but what it can do to enhance and bolster purely digital synthesis has impressed me the most so far.

Great production Gaz, I could enjoyably watch your insight into any synth or gadget for that matter!

Sonic State is like the Top Gear of synths back in its heyday … just hope they don’t start dropping Moogs off skyscrapers or exploding Synthis just for the ratings :clown_face:


Running my Reface DX and Digitone through has been a killer application. It just takes everything to another level.

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love this simple tabletop


Heck yeah, keep it simple!

Just watched your video about mastering with the AH and can only say thank you for the insight and for opening my eyes … or should I say opening my ears :wink:

Before I’ve seen too much videos, where this box has been used almost anytime to destroy sound in a way, which I wouldn’t do myself. I supposed that the AH might give me exactly what I would like to use it for … which is to get typical analogue warmth to some of my digital equipment, but I didn’t take the risk of getting and returning it … until now … and I think it will be a keeper.

BTW … I love that track … reminds me on some great hits from the past …

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Oh man, that is exactly what the AH is missing. Add that compressor in there Elektron! People are already faking it with the envelop follower.

This concept was one of the main justifications for getting it. I have a bunch of vst plugins that I was able to sell off, like the Plugin Alliance Black Box HG-2 (which is still an amazing plugin, btw) and most of my dirt VSTs. Having a legit analog box with the VST-like control is fantastic.

I am starting to feel like I’m missing out not making use of overbridge with the Heat. It looks like the perfect implementation of the best of both vst control and analog hardware. My laptop is shit though and I’d only end up obsessing over latency and CPU loads. I can’t afford a new laptop because I bought a Heat though so I’ll be using it without overbridge for the foreseeable.

It’s still fucking awesome.


Really enjoyed several of the sections as background music to hands-on computer work this morning :thup:


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Lying Dalai @ Soundcloud

try adding steep EQ bell curves before the distortion, you can get great dub distortion tones. experiment with reverb and delay in the process too :slight_smile: the heat is very cool :slight_smile: haha

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Ok this is probably not possible but I gotta make sure-

Lets say that I have the Heat on my master in Ableton, can I also use it in individual tracks/synths on Ableton via OB, simultaneously? Or is it one or the other only?

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Basically as far as I know, you can only use the VST in one instance. BUT! Of course you can put it on an FX send :yum:

I also went through the issue of real time bouncing with some nice people on this form. :relaxed:

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