Matrix Mixer from Erica Synths

Can I use this as a crazy ass audio mixer? Connecting synths, eurorack filters and effects? I am on the market for a small mixer and the 1010 bluebox is on the pole position

You can use it to make crazy mix routings, but the results would probably be best sent to a normal mixer.

This is more mixer-as-instrument. It can be used, for example, to concoct crazy CV signals to send to your semi-modular devices.

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Sort of. You will get way more routing options/ madness than a conventional mixer but way less control of levels. Depending on the rest of your setup and what you’re looking to do this trade off could either be a non-issue or a deal breaker.

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IMHO it’s look handy on paper but at usage, I pretty sure it will be difficult to remember what are all the inputs and outputs connected to.

Nifty device. Though at first i thought the led matrix was also a button interface. The actual encoder interface really takes the directness out of the process i m afraid… Not great for live performance.

There are 256 patches, so how i’d use this in a fluid way would be to switch between patches on the fly, probably using Program Change from a remote device, either manually or sequenced. Sure there are a lot of connections, i’d need to write them down, but that would only be to reconnect this when setting up, then i’d leave the connections pretty close to static. Sixteen by sixteen connections would be enough to do some very cool things whether it be modulation changes, or re-routing audio, or some combination of the two.

There are limitations, in particular with the three attenuation levels at the 256 connections, but i would have to experiment to see how seriously these really do limit you. I think if you limit the many to many connection routings that things would be better.

I think in a generative setup, with a combination of control and audio routings, this could be very useful changing the generative patch on the fly – something very challenging to set up via plugging and unplugging on the fly.

As far as having touchable controls, something like a button matrix like on the MatrixBrute, or PolyBrute that could handle both CV and audio would be great. Or even the original Synthi pin grid. But those both would be used very differently.

Have other people, seeing this, been examining what the alternatives and competition to this is ?
I have.

EDIT: Fixed typo.

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The manual indicates that the 1/4” stereo ins/outs are alternate patch points for the first two ins/outs of the matrix.

So it seems possible that you could do two separate effects pedal loops on those, while patching in with euro or semimodular on the other patch points. It’s a bit like the Boredbrain INTRFX on steroids.

So this device is more about having preset routing options. Being able to reroute with a button press is what makes this thing valuable. Then you perform the patch on the other devices.


my review / exploration:


Wow…that was amazing, that was the best video you have done, even autechre would be jealous of some of the sounds, unlimited sample fodder with the randomise button.

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Yeah, it is really great!
Could you explain more what appends?
I have never really use feedback on my system but now I’m interested :slight_smile:

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That’s high praise as I am a huuuuge fan of Autechre. Thank you!

The top for me are probs

Skinny Puppy
Pan Sonic
Front Line Assembly


I give a full explanation in the video

I have all of the outputs and inputs patched into each other, think like a “no input mixer” situation, just with effects in the path. This is a common trick used by people like Merzbow etc


Some class names there, my one regret is never seeing pan sonic live, mika vainio was class. Keep up the brilliant videos and obviously releases.

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I was lucky enough to see vainio 3 times before he passed. Incredible for sure. I’m dying to see Ilpo!


That’s a real shame. I saw their first, last and many many in between gigs in London and they were all superb.

Looking forward to watching the video and learning more about matrix mixer as I really think I need one at some point.

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Loopop has a nice video where he explains how to connect a large combination of gear and then quickly reconfigure them using the Erica Synth Matrix Mixer and the Conductive Labs MRCC, and a patch bay.

Lots of good tips here. The video lasts forty minutes and is an enormous GAS producer.

Me buying a regular patchbay: “Why would I want to pay 6x the price for a Matrix Mixer?”

Me having to solder the cables: “Ah that’s why”

Definitely getting it one day.


I really like the MRCC before I sold most of my stuff and this mixer looks super cool.

I have 4 small synths and 4 effects pedals and hate constantly plugging/unplugging so this might be great for that usage. The whole output level is wishy washy.

Couldnt I do final outputs to my bluebox inputs so will still have my 4 synths going to the bluebox but can route any of them to any pedal…but then would have to move the outputs from those pedal inputs to the correct output for the bluebox input…OMG.

Received my Matrix today. Hooked everything up to it. So cool, 4 effects pedals that I can now route any signal to so quickly.

Also have an out to my new Smpltrek and can now sample anything to that with or without the effects.

One of the best purchases I have made in this hobby.