MC 707 / 101 : New Roland Grooveboxes

The prices Cosmic uses are dollars… you use pounds…
In euro its 499 for the MC101 and 999 for the MC707

I am interested in the MC101… nice little ‘bring it with me’ groove box


Yer AUD. Aussie pesos.


Ah right

after the first green aira boxes every new roland looks like a work of art in comparison


Screw stretching, slicing works fine. I could make use of a glide though.

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The Synth/Sampler engine is deep… Lots of FX… Big Specs!!
Manuals on Roland website

Circuit with editable sounds.


Pretty sure @Ess has already stated that the DT is pushed to the utmost CPU capabilities currently. New filter modes sure, but time stretching isn’t happening.


Way way back, my first real ‘investment’ was a brand new Roland MC505, did all kind of shitty jobs to scrape in the cash untill i f*n owned it! I’ve had many hours of fun with it which resulted in many hours of crappy tunes i still love dearly and sometimes go back to and use as a raw source for current fiddlings. Ofcourse eventually after some time with the 505 you’d wish it’d have more dirt to the sound, and some other features like e.g. sampling. Lacking the speakerpunching bassdrums. I always loved that silly shuffle quantise though and messing with those classic kits, even though they were internal samples

I Lent it to a friend once and as he returned it (i found out the hard way) he’d busted off some essential knobs/potentiometers straight off the PCB ( !@$#) I tried to repair since the warranty was since gone, but i couldn’t hack it at that time. So much going on, it got roughed up pretty badly.

This new 707 and 101 look very promising with all the extra features, i will definitely scope it out to see if it fits into my current minimal setup (DT, DN, AH, Mopho, TB03)

The sounddesign ‘layering features’ seem nice with individual fx/layer editing and all.

And i’m also curious about the analog modeling, and if those Roland classics are reproduced the Boutique-way or merely samples again.

And ofcourse the options to sequence and control external Hardware + SONG mode :wink:

One box to rule them all
It looks like they’ve packed all the great features from other gear into one box again, great! Looking forward to the demo vids and tutorials to see all the tricks it has up its sleeve.


no MV8xxx ‘reissue’ then. Shame. Guess that’s what happens when I don’t own Roland Corp.


I’m interested to know how the use of multiple partials for a drum or tone track affects polyphony and also if track and master effects eat voices up. I had the Electribe 2 for a short period and the 24 voices were pretty much used up on just 6 tracks most of the time.

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OMG I got a MC-505 2 years ago and it sounded great but its workflow was hard as hell, never got it working XD. I had to sell it…


There was this extensive manual (Layout kinda looks the same as Elektrons, wink wink) and i wasnt that easily distracted at the time. If you’d learn the basics: make some patterns, mute/unmute parts in SONG mode, you’d probably figure the rest out just by having a good time with it. Easy as pie! Elektrons DT & DN are a lot more intuitive/logical to easily and instantly get to grips with. Suppose the 707/101 will need some extensive reading as well to turn those boxes inside out.

(but still there some other things on my list i’d like to get my hands on first: Elektrons very own groovebox: the MnM for instance :wink:

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I read the manual but with the machine on my hands I couldn´t get it. Well, the OT is hard as well but way more intuitive and logic.

Having physical faders and filter knobs is pretty sweet for live performance.

If the scatter effect options are decent like scenes on the OT that is also a big plus for live use.


In the sonic state video the Roland rep says they’re all programmable. Sounds like “scenes” to me…

But it also looked like he had to hold down the button. So it’s like a temporary scene?

Idk. No p locks, no care :man_shrugging: Looks fun though


Haven’t looked at the 707, but did just check out a video with the MC-101. It looks like fun. Seems like they crammed a lot of stuff into a small package and the price is fair. Seems aimed at the OP-Z/Digitakt/Digitone (maybe). I’ve got full-blown Octatrack fever :nerd_face: now though, so i’m not looking for grooveboxes as much as various sound sources to feed into the OT.

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tempting, but no plocks make it a no go. This is like buying a Push2 with Ableton’s stock samples it does the same thing.
I’ll hold out for an Elektron MD style box.


BoBeats doing a nice and honest impartial review again! Looks like an awesome feature rich machine. Wondering if the 101 has all the same features, except for only being 4 channels? (! Missing the live audio recording) Looks like a nice tiny box for a portable setup. (with a VST-/OB-like internal editor?) Is Roland back into the cage again? They’re most certainly throwing some fresh jabs with their new HW.

What HW is first in line to waste fresh money on? (Holding back on hookers, drugs and beer)
Lots of other nice gear is popping up as well to disrupt the ever-expanding-hw-wish-lists and kill off piggybanks.

Would have liked to see the 707 + additional 8 midi tracks (like Bo mentioned, and moreover in the line of the DT) +additional 8 stereo inputs, turning it into a combined mixer as well (with the possibillity of added FX/EQ/COMP) Like a 16 channel box feeding the input audio into the master mixer + grouping/bussing

I like the resampling with added external send fx loop stuff+internal FX ‘sounddesign’-wise stuff.

Maybe Roland can produce that missing (MX1?) HW 16 track mixer/sequencer/midicontroller box, we all seem to crave for live/studio performances? (and make it along the size of the smaller 101)

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This reminds me of my days playing around with my SP-808 which I bought new back in 1998 ($1250!). Running endless samples on ZIP disks and useless gadgets like the D-beam controller. Still a nice machine that can do a lot of things.

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