MC 707 / 101 : New Roland Grooveboxes

These look fun!

The big box seems ok ,
Does it have song mode ?


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@12:30 or so it looks like it has some kind of P locking thing. Heā€™s telling the some 16th notes of the hi hat to have a flamā€¦Idk what parameters are and arenā€™t p lockable though. Wonder what Roland calls this featureā€¦

Edit: Keep watching and it seems only four parameters are sort of p lockish. Velocity, start, mute probability (trig condition wouldā€™ve been better lol) and flam. Neat, but still underwhelming in my book.

It has motion sequencing

I do think itā€™s very cool that a drum track can be a full track and it wonā€™t steal voices. So like if I was using the Octa I would need four tracks for kick, snare, hat, perc, but this drum track can have up to 16 in the one track. Not sure how this works with the overall voice allocation :man_shrugging:

I actually checked and didnā€™t see one in the manual. Rolandā€™s documentation is generally hot garbage and I didnā€™t spend long looking, though, so it could be hiding somewhere.

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I have had to rely on Sunshine Jones to make unofficial manuals for the last two Roland boutiques I bought.

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The 101 looks to be the better out of the two, imo.

Itā€™s so convenient! USB powered and capable of streaming separate tracks out of the USB.

Honestly itā€™s the sorta convenience I wish the DT provided where all Iā€™d need was my DT and a laptop and be able to bang out tracks without a need for plugging in the DT power supply.

The sound engine looks like itā€™s capable of some pretty interesting things too.

Not bad


I really donā€™t get this complaintā€¦

I can get wanting stuff to be battery poweredā€“thatā€™s cool. But chances are if you have access to USB power you have access to, erm, wall power, right? And if you want to use your laptop you probably want it plugged in so it wonā€™t die.

I also just generally donā€™t see the appeal of taking my boxes places and playing with them. I used the 404sx in a car ride once and that was real awesome! But like going to coffee shops and fiddling with my Octatrack just seems funny to me haha.


I take my op-1 & K.O. everywhere (it used to be the sx)ā€¦ Iā€™m not big on cell phones, so on lunch or when Iā€™m waiting in line or whatever I play with the op-1 or K.O. instead of a cell phone.

Playing while at the river or ocean or lake (Iā€™m around a lot of water) is fun too, nice peaceful atmosphere.

I wouldnā€™t carry around a laptop or an octatrack tho, theyā€™re a little big for my portable taste. I wouldnā€™t go to a coffee shop to specifically play with my gear either. But I donā€™t have as much studio time as I used to, so now I make music whenever I can!! No matter where I am!!!


I think MC-101 could be a nice little synth in its own right. Might wait until itā€™s on sale though, still expensive for what it is.


Playing with a Pocket Operator on the go sounds pretty fun :slight_smile: But youā€™re making arguments for battery powered stuff, not for a necessity to have things be USB powered.

I donā€™t have much on my phone either, but I do play a lot of Chess if Iā€™m waiting or if Iā€™m on lunch.

If I go to a lake (which is rare) I usually bring a book. Though playing with a portable synth does sound pretty funā€¦


Iā€™ve only watched a minute of the video and decided I need it

I donā€™t, but stillā€¦

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Never mind.

Send me the manual and Iā€™ll have a look :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Was pretty underwhelmed until I saw that bobeats video - turns out younger me couldā€™ve gone bonkers with the 707.

But life has taught me that Iā€™m probably done with grooveboxes. On the other hand, maybe I could do with another OT or ARā€¦


Watching the loopop review ā€¦ Itā€™s not bad!


OT does have per step sample locks just in case you werenā€™t aware. Theyā€™ll use the same edit page parameters of the track but still might work for youā€¦


Iā€™m aware. But if I want to have a kick and snare happen on the same beat itā€™s a no go.

Not necessarily a bad thing but there it is


I didnā€™t realize how small the MC-101 is. According to Sweetwater page, itā€™s only 1.2 inches wider and .6 inches deeper than a Volca. Iā€™m definitely more intrigued now given the portability (plus the battery power).

Edit: But the $500 price tag is just so off-putting. Getting into the used Digitakt, three volcas, or Model Samples (with $100 to spare) territory.


The live looping capabilities interest me the most. 8 bars seems a little limiting though. Do you suppose thereā€™s any way to automate between two tracks, or change the track scaling to gain access to longer loops?

Does this guy sleep?