MD: Crackle when moving parameters...BUG?

hey, well i cant find the discussion after skimming through a few of the eu compiled pdfs its too exhausting. i can provide every os for the md dating back to around 2003 but i would not recommend loading some of the older ones as they are not entirely revertable according to elektrons advice. rest assured it is an issue that appeared in an early revision and was not fixed and in my opinion is a bug. wheather its repairable now, i dont know but if they havn’t fixed it yet there must be a good reason. sorry i can not prove my statement now as eu is dead & i sold my md a few years ago

Those glitches happened to me since first days of use (around 2009) but I was not a great forum user yet (eheheheh)…and i just didn’t care. I got it as a MD’s feature…

now i read that it appeared somehow…and never fixed.

Difference for me is that i get’em even without touching nothing…only the LFO modulating the Pan or Vol, whatever…using a Triangle…
I can sort of smooth it out a bit using the shape mix…but that jittery is still there, and it’s easy to perceive,…immediately.

so, i please, someone at the Elektron HQ to chime in…please!

Those artifacts can be beautiful and nasty at the same time…depending on what you want to hear…within/without the mix…etcetc

And, here, it’s really a question of taste…for me? I would not neglect having both…iehiheiheeh :imp:

I have exactly the same problem.
OS 1.63 and previous os’s also the same problem.
I wanted to record the crackling and send it to elektron but Now when I see
that people have the same problem I hope for Elektron
to fix the bug. So I wait.


Same here.


i really like it, to me it’s more like a feature not a Bug :wink:

I hope Elektron can’t fix it :imp:

The Elektron support time ago said it would be fixed with the next update …
But it will never do this update?
Hopefully devote a little time to even Machinedrum

was this issue ever fixed or do we have to live with it?

I’m fairly certain that this has always been the case in all OS versions for the Machinedrum.

This is often called ‘zipper noise’, and is something that can be an issue on a bit older digital gear, or just digital synths in general depending on how things are implemented. It is usually avoided by interpolated the values, basically smoothing out the changes in sound to avoid crackles. Things such as volume and pan are notorious for causing zipper noise when modulated or changed quickly.

It’s not an uncommon issue in older digital synthesizers such as this, but more apparent on the Machinedrum due to flexible routing and somewhat insane modulation capabilities. (Remember that, after all, the Machinedrum OS was first made in 2001, and received its latest update in 2010)