MD Science Lab: 2 Step

is the chord from 2:05 onwards a cowbell + filtersweep? this is great.


here’s another one, not submitting it to the lab officially though, it’s more one for the lulz… tried to do some mark fell / SND impersonation within the 2-step limitation:

holy shit, i cant believe i am stat stupid, but I actually am …

now, again … how the hell do you guys manage to come up with THAT with just 2 steps?

is there a tut somewhere or is it reading 33 pages in the manual 3 times to vaguely get ya head around it?

double cudos for the posted tracks! i had no idea what i signed up for ;-=

lol no I don’t think the “solution” for this lab can be found in the manual :wink:

basically the limitation defeats the usual strategies for creating rhythmic patterns… as a result, rhythmic variations need to be created differently… e.g. with LFOs, retrig, delay… effectively, the rhythm will be at least partially delegated to be part of the KIT, instead of the pattern…

as a starting point… try setting the LFO for a track to square shape, maximum depth, set mode to HOLD, and target to VOL. then place a trig and listen what the LFO does to the trig… play with the LFO speed… explore, explore…

is the chord from 2:05 onwards a cowbell + filtersweep? this is great.
Thanks. That’s the ram track playing a snippet of the EFM cowbell. I had sampled lots of different bits as I was messing about. That was the bit that was in there when I recorded the whole thing.

Someone else requested this too, Can you tell us a bit about the re-routing your doing? Your sending a RAM player out of an individual out, then back into the inputs.
What kind of input machine are you using?
This is still an area of the machinedrum I haven’t explored a whole lot.
Sounds great whatever your doing. :+1:
Has a far more freeform vibe to it. Something I was struggling to get. Especially with the beats

Nice stuff!

haven’t really explored this a lot yet myself… I’m using the input triggers which can be set up in the GLOBAL menu…
basically e.g.:

track 1 RAM P1 >> OUT C >> patched back into IN A >> trigger track 2.

now, depending on the sound in track 1, this can rhythmically trigger whatever machine is loaded in track 2. so if there’s a clicky rhythm in the RAM machine in track 1, this will not be heard, but will use the RAM’s audio to trigger e.g. a hihat…

same thing can be repeated with input B, with another RAM machine triggering a different sound… or 2 RAM machines can be chained to trigger each other, or the RAM recorders, or CTL machines, or empty tracks which have LFOs set up for other tracks… :slight_smile:

and if you keep resampling the main outs into the triggering RAM machines it’s some sort of feedback mechanism… but tricky to use imo! so far the theory has been more interesting than the resulting rhtyhms… getting better results from just using LFOs so far… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

hmmm… what about LFO’d MIDI machines and a MIDI loopback…?

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thanks for a bit of a start up guide!

I gotta say trying out this two step thing and messing with lots of LFOS is opening some new doors inside the MD! I can’t believe the results I am getting!

I am so jealous of you MD owners. This sounds like a LOT of fun. I am going to try it with my Tempest.

Yeah, me too. So I took an hour off at work. It was fun and I had no clue that there where such vast options with the LFO’s…

Fun this morning building my first pattern/kit for this. There dem poly rhythms in dare. :joy:

Fun changing the pattern length from 2 to 4 and then back to 2. Since steps 3 and 4 are blank on all tracks, you get a stutter, but most of the rhythm is set by the LFOs so it stays together and coherent.

lol…my first science lab, and i am hating the restriction already. :wink:

By far my most rewarding MD only experience. Thanks for the inspiration. I can see building rhythms this way then extending to more steps and changing up the trig pattern for more variation and programmed mutes. Soundcloud download is a .wav if you want to hear it without file compression.

As a non-UW owner, i think the restrictions are unfair…:stuck_out_tongue:

I will add one of my Eventides to even out. :wink:

My post above yours is on an SPS-1 mk2, no UW! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

All the rules can be broken though, it’s all just fun

cool psychedelic track Stinky :slight_smile:

made a playlist for the submissions:

pls let me know if I forgot someone!
(skipped Trabant’s first entry because it was breaking the rulez)

Nice action, cool community :kiss:

I’ll try to post the result soon
Like 2 Stepness !!