MD SPS I MKII - Doubts

yeah when in extended mode, if you do a track-copy/paste, you will also copy/paste the entire sound(machine+all params).
in classic mode only the trigs will be copy-pasted.

in kit-edit menu, copy-paste will also copy the entire sound (machine+params).

the following pitfall may or may not be obvious:
if, say, you want to “collect” multiple sounds from one or several kits into one “target” kit, you’ll have to switch back-and forth between the kits and copy each sound individually. this means, each time you paste something into the target kit, you then need to save it before switching back to another kit fro grabbing a new sound, otherwise your changes in the target kit are lost, because switching kits will reload their last saved state.

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Can you not get around this by loading the kit you want to copy from in one pattern, and the kit you want to copy to in another? Or does the machine copy paste only work within the same pattern.

nah it sure does work with different patterns, but when a kit is switched, no matter whether it is loaded from the menu or by a pattern change, it will always revert to its last saved state!

(unless there’s a way around this but pretty sure there isn’t, the Analog Four introduced this option… Maybe it can be made easier by keeping a copy of the target kit in the kit-copy buffer (load-kit menu, copy while browsing the list of kits)? )

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Of course, I completely forgot about that.

Once again thank you all for sharing your experience.

Concerning a randomizer vst or max device;

Ive found a few that can actually randomize a sound. The issue is that I can only randomize a sound at a time. Id like randomize the whole 16 sounds at once in a click. Anyone has found or hass something able to do this?


I’ve tried this one out too. Its quite handy.

The only issue is that Im looking for a FULL randomizer.

This one actually randomizes one sound at a time. Im searching for something to randomize to whole 16 sounds at a click.

I’ve been hunting the internet to find something for this…but no luck so far.


Im reaching a dead end sonically with the MD SPSI MKII. Im not achieving the sonic - soundwise results I was trying to…

It has a very unique sound indeed, the sequencer is terrific and everything is built in a superior way. Comparing with the A4 I also owe…I can go anywhere with that instrument. The sonic possibilities are endles…in the MD - non Uw - I really feel stuck sonically.

This is one of the main reasons concerning my desperate search for a FULL randomizer.

Of course I can make it sound diferente from the inicial presets. I’ve created a completely new base kits t- that Ill upload for everyone soon - so everyone can have a really diferente starting point from those presets from MD 1.0 or 1.5 currently available on the elektrons website.

Help me out dudes…

What am I missing in the MD under the hood? I really think NOW that the UW would have been better to my purposes. Just bought it a week ago…and getting ready to sell it if i do not find a way to achieve my soundsignature.

Give me hints or show me really good grooves done with the non UW version so I can check if Im doing something wrong…or if this machine is not really for me.

Once again, thank you all for your kind replies.

Really friendly and usefull fórum in here.

Greetings from Portugal

Pedro Goya

the ctrl machines are pretty awesome for coming with crazy stuff

Whats that?

Ive made an internet search and found nothing specific for ctrl machines.

Is that a software to run paired with the MD?

Remember, my version is the non uw.


Im getting sonewhere…

Lets hope this has the hability to randomize and save the kit current state.

I didnt got clearly how this works or how is loading, so every help is welcome!

Theres an hope…maybe i dont need the uw.