MegaCommand // MCL 4.43

Can it happen that 16 note off messages coincide with automation parameters? What happens then?

Notes are only ever recorded if there are steps with event slots available for both note on and off.

If you exceed the 16 event limit for a step, then recording additional events on that step will simply be ignored.


MCL 4.01 Hotfix :hot_pepper:

  • MCL would crash when Saving sounds from the Sound Manager.
  • Microtiming window could remain stuck on the MD when clearing or copying steps.

It is recommended that you also update your Machinedrum to X.05B.

X.05B fixes an issue in Enhanced mode whereby GUI keys would become stuck after a period
of time.

MCL 4.01 Download


Hi, First I have to say as a developer I’m really amaze at what you guys have been able to do with the MCL and even more with MD’s firmware that’s incredible !

Since the MD is the center of my setup and not the only Elektron machine, I was wondering if the MCL 4.0 finally support Program Change IN to change the pattern on the MCL or at least a midi note to trigger a track or clip externally ?

I have several tracks that are programmed in the MD,OT,DN where the OT is the master sequencer.

Not yet. Some ground work was completed in 4.0 to making loading more flexible, but this hasn’t been linked with external MIDI control. We’d be looking for feedback from users as to the best approach to implement MIDI Program Change.


IDK if it’s the right place to make a feature wishlist but my recommandation would be to be backward compatible as much as possible to the original MD’s triggger system :
-Program Change IN mode to sync A1-H16 patterns
-map editor or some sort grid mode to trigger clips(or tracks) using external midi notes (which would open to the possibility to map it to an external grid controller ^^)

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Hey guys,
Just a heads Up; been overwhelmed by all your kind words and your support for my builds and my version of Justin and Yatao’s Hard work. Thanks for the support and Love i have received back!

However, due to family and that a have music i wanna make myself, this is it. I Will not make more after the current run. Everyone that have ordered and maybe are in the ordering process and have got details from me have nothing to worry about. Ordered units Will be delivered. I Will however say no to NEW requests!

Sorry, but i am out of Time and have a Long list needing to get built professionally.

Huge thanks to everyone that has been with me in this Journey, now lets make some Good music! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


anyone notice the MCL is taking longer to show the boot screen when powered on? using USB power

Some PC/USB controllers take some time to provide power, like my monitor for example.


noted, thanks! i’ve been meaning to find a power supply for this thing anyhow.

side note, just sitting down to use the new OSs for the first time and i had no idea of the depth of this update. incredible work as always…

Dang, what a bad time to go out of town and miss out ! Hopefully we’ll get some more PCBs for home builds later ;]

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I will still have a few leftover PCBs so no problems, just won’t take any more build requests after this…

How are midi cords to be configured when updating the megacommand? Should I even use the midi cables or my TM-1 or just straight usb from the laptop?

C6 seems to be sending xloader ok while I’m pretty sure I’ve configured c6 correctly with tm-1 chosen in both boxes. When I hit send the green light on the MC turns on and it says “peering” on the screen. But when the bar fills up on c6 indicating completion, the MC does not indicate so. It just says “peering” still. I find when rebooting that nothing has changed. Am I doing something wrong? I have the midi cords going similar to the MD process, in-to-the-out and out-to-the-in(on the two left midi ports)with usb between tm-1 and the laptop. Helpy!

the megacommand is updated via usb/arduino software. you install the .hex on the megacommand, not xloader

Question for the creators that I’m sure you’ve answered before: is there any likelihood of a version of this for monomachine? I’m only asking because I’ll buy another megacommand box if so. Thanks in advance

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Hi all

I’ve just purchased a MD (Mk2 UK+) and would love top get a MagaCommand. I’m pretty new to this and am just trying to find my way - so I would appreciate any help in signposting me top the right place. I should say that I am not going to be able to make one from scratch so I would really like to get hold of a ready made unit - any help gratefully received…!

All you need to build a MegaCommand is in the documentation.
It seems no one has still offered to create new units since @mbang decided it was taking them too much time.

Anyway, with a new Machinedrum mk2 UW+ (congrats for scoring this ace machine!) you have plenty to learn already!
Take the time to master it, and keep an eye here in case someone offers again to build MegaCommands :slight_smile:

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Good advice! Cheers dude

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Problem is that it’s not allowed to use a thread to sell or buy (?) stuff, that is what the market is for. But check the market and you can guaranteed write a post announcing interest, or handle it via PM.
It’s not a hard module to build, but there are quite a few steps to take to find all the gear, and you need at minimum a decent iron, solder, tweezers and an anti static mat. And unless you have very good eyesight, some magnifying glasses and Good light to work with.

I have a shitload more, like hot air reflow station, a solder sucker with constant air flow, lots an lots of boxes to sort components in, lots of tools… but you dont need all that.

You can easily build your own IF you have PCB, and then just find a BOM from github.
I still have some PCBs left. That mind you, i dont sell :wink: but you can check the market and see if someone have something interesting …