Microcosm | Hologram Electronics

That would be awesome. If he started doing deluxe versions of his pedals, made them stereo, and made them a little bigger to add more functionality/knobs that would be great.


I have sold a couple of his pedals because it was pain to flip those tiny switches on the back of them. The usability just wore me out, haha.

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Any news/reviews/videos on that very juicy device?

I want to hear some demos of it with synths. I have an Infinite Jets, and while it sounds great on guitar and drum hits, I had a hard time getting that glitchy dreamy quality that it has on guitar. It takes quite a bit of playing with line levels and ā€œsyncingā€ it to the dynamics of synths.

The microcosm does sound heavenly thoughā€¦ my poor wallet.

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Yep, Iā€™ve also yet to really gel with Infinite Jets, although I mostly bought it for piano loops in the Cabinet of Curiosities vein anyway. Some interesting bits with Lyra-8 and Monomachine but making it work in a predictable way in my usage is still a work in progress.

Will now try to stay away from this thread though to avoid GAS.

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My feeling: they learned quite a but und optimized their product, especially with synth in Mond (I hope).

But lets wait for them reviews!

Mine came in today; I only had a little time to play around with it, but my initial impression was: ā€œWow.ā€ Iā€™ll try to post something more expansive than that, maybe with some sound clips, in a few days, once I am more familiar with it.


For anyone curiousā€¦ or waiting on their own pre-order, Hologram released a manual about a week ago. Itā€™s definitely worth a read, especially the (incredibly well-specified) MIDI implementation, and the varieties of ways the looper can be employed.

Microcosm manual


Hi there,
Iā€™m heavily GASing for this pedal. Would you care posting a video or sound examples?

I havenā€™t had time to sit down and record anything in a thoughtful way yet, but a friend of mine did a Twitch livestream on the Microcosm yesterday: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/627939635


first time Ive ever pre-ordered anything, canā€™t wait to get it through.



It is a very beautiful machine to anticipate creation. But the regret is there.
Why on such perfected cases, the trigger releases are foot switches ā€¦

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Judging from the Manual it looks possible to sync timing with an external clock sent via MIDI, but I canā€™t be sure loop recording can be triggered using MIDI CC (or something).
Could any of the happy owners confirm this is possible?
(Iā€™d like to trigger loop recording from a MIDI track of my MonoMachine)

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Look over that manual I linked. The looper, and everything else, has extremely well-specā€™d MIDI. I havenā€™t tried triggering looping from an external source, but all of the pieces are there.


That would be Looper Record CC# 28 (0-127).
Just not sure how well it works. I own a TimeFactor, that also has massive MIDI implementation, but triggering loop record from the MnM is quite wacky.

@chm_jacques Thanks for posting the stream link here! It was a really fun stream and I plan on doing more (not just with Microcosm but all my gear). My initial thoughts can be boiled down to: this is a hyper-complex pedal. Youā€™re not going to figure it out unless you commit to it. Iā€™m going to attempt to make a cheat-sheet (expanded upon the one they gave us) for the algo parametersā€¦ the manual says there are 2 but really its 4 (activity, repeats, time, and shape) per algo that control the effect.

@Omar Iā€™ve spent the morning messing with my ZOIA to send midi to Microcosm. Everything seems smooth from my tests - triggering loop record from various envelope and timing sources + other midi (PC for preset swaps and other CC value messages). I am very impressed by the midi spec.


Thanks for the stream!
Non-guitar videos of this pedal are scarce on the web.
And thanks for the insight regarding the loop record trigger.

Hereā€™s a thread on TGP that has some nice demos

I uploaded my recent Twitch stream to YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aac8uSQyea8

Planning to do more streams and demo content. Iā€™ve been diving deeeep into MIDI territory and everything checks out. Still figuring out the algos. I can see it replacing Particle and maybe Blooper. Hard to tell on the latter.


Anyone touch the midi program change features yet? Iā€™ve been trying to figure it out with my Digitone and keystep but so far I think I might need a midi hub to integrate it with the rest of my of synths. I currently have it mixed through a portastudio 414 aux send/return and it works great for splitting my digitone (headphone) and guitar (eqd swiss things) from my main mixer.

Things Iā€™ll be testing out with Digitone

  • looper record/play CC w/parameter lock so I can make seamless guitar/bass loops
  • a loop station bank for navigating presets, copying/pasting etc
  • CC shift function, fx, filter and mix as a template for new patterns
  • recalling user presets from microcosm program change on digitone if possible?

Midi mapping is still pretty new to me and there isnā€™t much input on the midi charts from other users yet. The DT and DN seems like it would be the perfect match for this pedal if you put aside all the feedback from the gear page

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