Found it: page 26 of the manual, SYSTEM 2/6 CONF
out: “Audio output mode (stereo, dual mono)”
No user wavetables (yet)
oh man this Lion-King-like font on the new version really grinds my gears
We send stickers, use them as you want
I’ve been reflecting on the contrast between this Audiothingies MM2 rollout and the recent TE hype campaign, and I can’t help but feel that this honest and simple strategy, is a good one. In this case, we knew what was coming, had a rough idea of what it would be, and knew more or less how it would be priced. I think a lot of people were just waiting for details and the opportunity to purchase, having already likely decided that the MM2 might be for them. This simple, honest approach has me feeling good about supporting this small company and taking a chance on being an early adopter, which is something I’m usually hesitant to do. The MM2 seems like it could really shake up the market with its well thought out design, powerful features and extremely fair price. I look forward to giving it a go and I have a feeling that I’m going to be very happy with it.
I talked too quickly! But @elektrosamplist previously said it was planned, and it was working with MM1 so I’m confident.
I totally agree about supporting these small companies. I just ordered the Töörö, and I actually am quite enthusiastic about the MM2. But wouldn’t that be a too much of the same ?
And… first batch sold out !
Ah. I thought you wanted to say you received it!
Yep. Instant buy for me! Do you know when we are supposed to receive it? (Didn’t check if there was a tracking).
Soon I guess… I received the receipt.
Me too. Not enough.
Glad I ordered mine yesterday Just awaiting the tracking etc.
Curious why there’s been no mention of the MM2 on sites like Gearnews and Sonicstate?
I just got a P6, its still a great 6 voice poly VA synth. For $150 you’re not going too find anything that competes!
annnnd they’re sold out!
Hehe, was already sold out hours ago^^
i feel you on the font, idk why didn’t go with something a little less loud
And shipped… can’t wait !
Yep. Tracking (ticket created).
My blackbox is ready.