Microtuning & MTS

Elektron PLEASE!

How can it be a thing

even Novation bass-station can now do microtuning with Scala import and own editing


+1 for microtuning on the A4 and digitone


+1 for A4 + DN. Havenā€™t bought either for this reason

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Sold my A4, Octa and A4 a good while back, but Iā€™d buy the shit out of any of the Elektron boxes if you could load microtonal tuning tables like on the new Korg and DSI gear. Takt and Tone would be the dream!

Full support

Yes, please. Why is this not already a thing on Elektron gear!


Iā€™m actually annoyed that there is no microtuning capabilities on Elektrons; not merely surprised. Thatā€™s sub-par firmware, and/or being lazy/careless, IME.

OTOH there is a ground to be surprised, too: just think about it. Cenk has wide-band Elektron connection, and Turk roots, but no ability to properly do Makam ?!?!? FFS.

I really should be able to microtune my :elan: in full, incl. its internal sequencer.
In fact I bought it only after they added MIDI sequencing in newest firmware - the absence of that was one of the reasons I couldnā€™t buy it earlier.

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Very few synths have microtuning or load tuning files, even in the VST world because developers donā€™t actually consider it or donā€™t make music outside of 12tET. I recently switched to a few DSI/sequential synths, as well as sounding awesome, they can load tuning files.

I should not view this thread for another year.

Yā€™all are reigniting my GAS for a Sequential P6 or OB6

Microtuning on the A4 would indeed be awesome

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I just bought the mk2, I really hope they add microtuning in the future as thisā€™ll be the first synth I own that doesnā€™t support it. I recently asked The developer of the Motas 6 if he could add microtuning and within a few weeks heā€™d done so and heā€™s just a one man operation! Iā€™m sure elektron could do this with ease.


Iā€™d certainly be interested in being able to import Scala files.

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No trace of microtuning support in the (otherwise excellent) new DN and DT firmware release today :frowning:

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Audiokit synth one app on ios and Bitwig both provide good examples of current microtuning options.

+1 for micro tuning. For the digitone as well!

Just signed up for an account here to chime in and say if Elektron gear was Microtuning / scala file friendly then I would definitely buy a few of their boxes. I currently own no Elektron gear and one reason is because they do not have user scales / scala file compatibility.

Can you do the stuff in this video with the A4?

Just Intonation? Itā€™s not directly implemented on the Analog Four; the workarounds (pitch bend, external MIDI processing, CV loopback) are listed in previous posts.

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Bumping this.

Elektron should have added microtuning on its synths ever since the monomachine. It seems easy to implement and could allow a lot of artistic freedom.

Iā€™m wondering if I should get a midi processor/controller. Any suggestions? I would like it not using pitchbend but CC - since elektron machines do not record pb.
(Maybe I should send an email to blokas to see if they have plans on adding a transform ā€˜pipeā€™ that transforms pb into cc. Edit: it seems like they do according to documentation online. I wonder if thereā€™s any catch to it)
(Or maybe itā€™s about time I change from elektron sequencers to something else. If only the cirklon was availableā€¦)