Midi Clock noise issue

Essentially it is a grounding problem. Neither the Sherman nor the A4 have safety grounds on the mains plug because both use power adapters and. Do you have any other gear (like mixers) connected that have a safety ground and that use shielded cables for connection? It might help to try around with that. Or try to use line isolators or di boxes with ground lifts in between.
These problems can be annoying and sometimes hard to fix because it can also be caused by the local power in your house.


Thanks for quick replay!

Yeah, I have a grounded mixer, a4 midi going in to lxr, who transmits midi clock to sherman midi in, and from there, midi clock gets distributed to some other synths and computer.

Basicli I am using sherman filterbank as a midi spliter. But for now i get this noiz , like i am hearing midi clock in the sherman audio channel. Breaking the ground loop (( unplugging the cable )) at any point in midi or audio chain stops that noiz, but that is not a solution i am looking for.

There’s other ways to break the ground loop than to unplug the cable. As I said you can use a DI box or a line isolator.


Yes, thanks, i have tried lifting the the ground from audio cable, made things worse, maybe i did something wrong… ill keep on trying

I recommend getting a midi thru box instead, kenton has a nice 1 in 5 out box, and there are plenty of others too.