I’d like to enter into live recording mode using some form of footswitch. I don’t see live recording mode noted in the midi spec. Does anyone know if this is somehow possible?
I’m playing a Nord Drum and would love to be able to record midi loops live without having to reach over and press rec + play…
It seems it is possible with the OktaKontrol controller (unless I’m missing something) I’ve posted a thread on it here! :)[/quote]
you are missing something. . the op wants to be able to switch midi live recording mode on and off via midi so he can jam some midi loops in from his nord drum…switching in and out with a footswitch. the oktakontrol is a (very nice) midi control surface for controlling tracks levels, mutes and solos.
sadly there is currently no way of addressing the OT via midi to switch live recording on and off for midi tracks.