Midi filtering box

I have a Digitakt, Analog Rytm and 3 x Moog Mother 32.

I want the Digitakt to sync my Analog Rytm. Sadly that means that it will start the Moog Mother 32s internal sequencers, since those listen to transport and cannot be turned off.

So my only option is to find a device that somehow can filter out midi messages.
Any ideas?

If you really need to filter MDI messages you will need an expensice MIDI interface with a dedicated software.
You could also try to switch the sync mode, i.e. to DIN or CV. Hopefully the M32 will keep on listen to MIDI messages at its MIDI port.

I use iConnectivity mio boxes for this kind of filtering, but likely overkill, seems odd there is no way to disable sequencer start on the M32 (edit for clarity).

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If you can find a MI Midipal (discontinued unfortunately), this might do the trick if you’re looking for a filter box explicitly:

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try to filter the real time events on that channel.

I know how to filter RT events, was talking about it being odd that you cannot ignore it on the M32. :slight_smile:

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oh! :joy:

yeah, I had a short look at M32’s manual - really strange this clock behaviour

Isn’t it possible on AR to set something like this?

Clock receive: on
Clock send: on
Transport receive: on
Transport send: off

This would send all but Transport messages to MM32. Or am I missing something in your routing?

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Yes you can!

My routing goes from Digitakt -> Midi Quadra Thru -> AR + Moog Mothers

I realised that I had a raspberry pi + an old midisport 2x2 laying around.

So I wrote a quick script that routes incoming signals to the two midi-outputs. One with synced signal and the other without it. Works like a charm :slight_smile:


This topic:

suggests a workaround by setting an empty sequence on the M32.


Ohh yeah that’s a great solution. Will try my raspberry filter machine for a few days.
If it doesn’t work I’ll try this out.

Thanks for helping me out guys.

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