MIDI Learn with DSI Tempest anyone?

Hey all

Just bought my buddy’s OT last week. So far I absolutely love this machine. I was trying to do something yesterday and it didnt work so now I am here asking for your advice. One of my other favorite pieces of gear is my DSI Tempest. I want so dearly to be able to write CC automation on the DSI with my OT but when i tried to do MIDI Learn with the OT and the Tempest, the OT didnt get back and CC info. I couldnt get any pertinent info from DSI’s website but could it be possible that the Tempest does NOT transmit CC info? Is it THAT analog? Anybody know? MIDI Learn is a fairly new thing for me but i thought I was doing it right.

Perhaps I should ask a more specific question - does anyone know where to acquire a MIDI Implementation CC List for a DSI Tempest? If one exists…


so far as i know tempest has very poor midi implementation. perheps this will change someday but for now it isn’t much you can do midiwise with it…
i look at the tempest more as a standalone machine then a sound module.
anyway there will be an update for the tempest soon (oktober?). look at the dsi forum.

got this from dsi forum

[li]CC# 12 - Distortion[/li]

[li]CC# 13 - Compression[/li]

[li]CC# 19 - a value other than 0 reverts Beat FX params to defaults[/li]

[li]CC# 20 - Beat FX All Osc Frequency[/li]

[li]CC# 21 - Beat FX Feedback[/li]

[li]CC# 22 - Beat FX Lowpass Filter Cutoff[/li]

[li]CC# 23 - Beat FX Lowpass Filter Resonance[/li]

[li]CC# 24 - Beat FX Lowpass Filter Audio Mod[/li]

[li]CC# 25 - Beat FX Highpass Filter Cutoff[/li]

[li]CC# 26 - Beat FX All Env Attack[/li]

[li]CC# 27 - Beat FX All Env Decay[/li]


The octatrack midi-learn function, doesnt behave as expected if you have ANY shared midi-channels…

so if i want to use midi-learn to setup automation for my machinedrum and monomachine. i have to turn off midi for the audiotracks entirely.

Guys, THANK YOU! Those were all very helpful answers. As soon as I get home i’m locking myself in the lab! Thanks!

j_tana - did you ever get this working? I’ve got cc learn figured out on my other stuff but not the Tempest…

i needed midi learn because i wanted to write in a filter sweep on the tempest from the octatrack. No dice. Tempest didn’t have a,CC for that. I’ve since sold the tempest and bought an analog rytm and everything is cool.

After the fact i found out id totally overlooked the CC for the beat fx, which is how i would have accomplished that. Live and learn. Still, tempest cc is limited. Still a kick ass instrument. I miss it.