MIDI Loopback Video Tutorial for the Digitakt

Thanks for the response Peter! Now I’m off to read the whole thread about how to actually do the setup and see if I can get it working.

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Just wanted to chime in to say thanks to Aldo for the videos, they are awesome. I also watched these (and your channel) when deciding to take the DT plunge!

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Hey, what Peter said is entirely true, but it looks like the AKAI MPD226 doesn’t have a Thru port? The Out port is not the same and won’t convey all the MIDI information, only the clock and the MIDI data that you send from the MPD itself. Only the Thru port can carry the original Digitakt MIDI data untouched. If that makes sense!

So yeah to have an actual MIDI loop you need only Thru ports, any Out port in the loop will alter the MIDI signal. :slight_smile: That said you can probably make some stuff happen but it would be way more complicated I think.

@thrace Thank you so much, I appreciate the kind word!<3

Thanks Aldo. That does explain why it doesn’t work when I followed your video. No worries. I need to send midi clock to all three of those things so my setup as shown above gets me the to have the GM Arp, EFX Delay, and MPC Retrig all sync up. Maybe there is another way I can set it up to achieve the same results and add in a loopback…

I was hoping since the MPC was getting clock and sending MIDI to the DT, that it would act as a loop. I don’t use the GM to control anything on the DT, so I don’t need that part to sync. But i do need to send MIDI to the GM, and I need CLOCK for the delay timing and tempo input on the MPD. It seems without a midi box, that I would need to swap a couple cables depending on what i want to do. Either Loopback time, or my regular. This won’t be that bad cuz i can imagine making stuff in my regular mode, and then setting up the loopback to further tweak things…

Unless someone has a Wizard-like solution to present.

Hi guys,

Love the loopback idea and great videos Aldo!

Still struggling though with sending program change messages.

Have Sync, Ports and Channels settings according to the video: Images here

Nevertheless the trig doesn’t do anything:

Am I missing something?

The midi itself seems to work btw, as I’m able to send cc to change reverb level for example, but somehow programs changes are not received (or sent).

Would appreciate any help.


Hey, I’m glad the video was kinda helpful, as for your issue, you might need to enable the Program Change messages to be sent and received by the Digitakt, check that in Settings > MIDI Config > Sync (if I remember correctly), I believe this is disabled by default so it could be the issue!

I think I already have that in place:

It looks correct, right?

Looks right! I didn’t see the pictures in your first post, my bad. Everything seems to be configured correctly. :slight_smile:

Have you manage to send other types of MIDI data? CC messages or notes? If not, the cable could be faulty. Or maybe your MIDI track is muted? Does the trig have a Trig Condition?

Also it looks like you’re using an older OS which I never used so there might be some subtleties I’m not aware of. Either way, you may consider upgrading to the latest one because Elektron made the MIDI loopback more stable (double-tapping the Stop button doesn’t freeze the unit anymore).

No worries :wink:

MIDI notes work fine, I’m able to play other tracks but CC commands don’t come through. Thus cable seems to be ok, just some issues with configuration (or my hands :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ).

Was on OS 1.20, just updated to 1.20A – still the same problem.

Noticed interesting behaviour – if I select program in midi channel settings (knob D), it instantly switches to it (like while I’m turning the knob). So the signal is sent and received, just indeed doesn’t want to work from the trig. Trig has no other settings (like probability). Tried with both normal and trigless trigs. Track is not muted.

The trigless trig just needs to have that program change on it, right? Nothing extra?

Try disabling prog change send. The prog Change send in this menu is for controlling whether the digitakt sends a program change on pattern switch or not which is meant to keep patterns in sync across various boxes.

Midi tracks will still send program changes with that option disabled.

Ohhh, I’m actually the one behind, my bad once again! I’m running an older OS so there might be some new stuff I’m not aware of. I’m away from my DT for a few weeks but I’ll give it a go when I’m back. :slight_smile:

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Ok, I think I figured it out. It’s a bit insane, so will write it here, perhaps someone will stumble upon the same issue:

  • MIDI track used for prog change should have two settings: the channel where prog change will be sent and a default prog change. From my experiments, it didn’t really matter what is the value of the default prog change, but it needs to be there.
  • Digi will not send a prog change if the same value has been sent previously. So if you have pattern 2 returning back to pattern 1 by sending prog change 1, it will be sent only the first time it’s played, the second time will be ignored (probably the last value is stored somewhere and ignored by some deep unknown to humanity reason :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
  • To overcome the issue above you would need two trigless trigs one after each other to change the pattern: trig 1 should send prog change value 128 (or any other you would never use) to reset the previous value stored in the memory, while the second trig should contain the prog change itself. With this setup one pattern (in my case 128) will be sacrificed for the reset, but that’s something we can survive with :upside_down_face:

Such a way seems to work quite stable for me. Hope will save you some hours if you face this problem as well.


Sir, thank you for this!

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Thank you. These vids are great, super helpful

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You’re welcomeee. :slight_smile:

This is happening to me! I followed the exact steps in @AldoVino’s great tutorials but the trigless trig wont change the pattern.

My DT is also doing the same behaviour, changing pattern when turning Prog (knob D) however it seems to be completely sporadic.

Dont really know where to go from here, im completely stumped - even the method of setting 2 trigs doesnt seem to be working… :frowning:

edit: I have also tried several different midi cables

I tested this on version 1.3 of the OS and was unable to get MIDI to loopback. I rolled the OS back to version 1.20A and MIDI loopback is working as shown in the video.

@AldoVino what version of the OS are you currently running and if it is a newer release than 1.20A, are you still able to loopback MIDI?

Hey, I haven’t used the loopback technique in a while, at least not since the new OS was released. :confused: I’ll try to give it a go this week!

@AldoVino Good news! I contacted support about CC 31 as a loopback value not working with version 1.30 and they wrote back with this note:

For OS 1.30 we changed so that incoming MIDI CC data for the FX parameters is now only received on the set FX CONTROL MIDI channel and not on the AUTO MIDI channel. You can set an FX CONTROL channel in settings > MIDI config > channels. It is set to channel 9 by default. CC 31 is an FX parameter. Non-FX parameters, like e.g. filter frequency (CC 74), are still received on the AUTO channel (or track channels).

I upgraded back to OS 1.30 and set the FX CONTROL channel to 1 and CC 31 responded as is shown in your video. :sunglasses:


Has anyone managed to get this to work on 1.30? I’ve tried everything here but can’t get the DT to switch patterns with that trigless trig