MIDI setup - Help needed for multi boxes configuration/routing

So, here’s my current setup

Octatrack - main brain MIDI OUT to
Digitone MIDI in
Sequences drum machine and bass synth from MIDI out with splitter.

this works fine: i control the clock and transport from the octatrack and all’s good.

I want to add two machines to the setup:

  • Key step 37 to control note inputs on the Digitone and its midi channels
  • Microcosm: i want to sync it to the rest of the gear to have in tempo loops. Will use the digitone MIDI THRU for that. quite easy.

How would I set the MIDI up for the Keystep 37? Do i need another splitter (Well, 2 INS (octa + Keystep) and one OUT (Digitone)?

Several possibilities. @trackerjack ? (writing) :wink:

Without splitter :

Keystep 37 out > OT in
OT out > DN in
DN out > Microcosm in
DN Thru > Bass Synth

OT clock send, transport send

In oder to sync Microcosm :
DN clock send/receive, transport send/receive

I think I’d set Keystep on OT AUTO CHANNEL.
If you need to send notes to DN while in OT audio mode, you can set an OT midi track with AUTO CHANNEL as channel, and set DN with the same AUTO CHANNEL. This way KS goes thru OT midi out even if it’s not active…


What he said, lol.

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I forgot the drum machine !

So with the splitter :

Keystep 37 out > OT in
OT out > Splitter in
Spitter out > Drum Machine
Splitter out >DN in
Splitter out > Bass Synth in
Splitter out > Microcosm in

You can also choose to plug the splitter to DN out, if you want to send clock only to the drum machine, and Microcosm.
(Some gear can’t accept too much midi data, and sometimes clock can be irregular). In that case : DN thru > Bass synth

@FredM it’s easier if you give precise reference of your gear, to know if they have thru, or soft thru.

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You’re right about the gear!
Here’s what I’m what I’m working with.

Key step 37
Drum Brute Impact
Bass Station or Minilogue (depending on the mood)

Digitone AUDIO IN: Drum machine/Bass synth
OT audio in: AB Digitone, CD Microcosm

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I think I’d set Keystep on OT AUTO CHANNEL.
If you need to send notes to DN while in OT audio mode, you can set an OT midi track with AUTO CHANNEL as channel, and set DN with the same AUTO CHANNEL. This way KS goes thru OT midi out even if it’s not active…


Thanks for that: ill try it tonight. That was the part that was eluding me: how to have “2 midi Ins” for the Digitone.

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Yep. Let us know if something’s wrong, there are other midi connections possible, depending on you needs. (If you need you sequence bass synth with DN for instance, as it can plock program changes.)

Actually, that part works well.

Octa Midi Out to Digitone Midi in
Digitone sequencing Drum machine and Bass synth - Midi out to Splitter for both.

I’m trying the other setup now, with the auto channel and dedicated midi track on the OT, like suggested.

KS37 to OT. OT to DN.
DN out to Drumbrute and BassStation via splitter
DN Thru to Microcosm (clock only, coming from the OT)

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So, to all the people that pitched in, thank you.

I tried some of the methods here, and the KS37 was playing OT samples, which i didn’t want. So i started to dig in my box of unused stuff to unearth a midi splitter I knew i had.

Here’s the working/winning setup.

OT Midi OUT and KS37 MIDI out to a MIDI Merger.
Midi merger OUT to DN MIDI in (that way, i can play the DN and everything that is on its MIDI tracks)
DN MIDI OUT to midi splitter to Drumbrute and BassSynth IN
DN Midi THRU to Microcosm (So it is synced with everything)

Thanks for your help and patience.

The KeyStep 37 has a built-in MIDI merger, so you could connect:

  • OT MIDI Out to KS37 MIDI In, and
  • KS37 MIDI Out to DN MIDI In

and put aside your dedicated merger.

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Easy to disable.
These parameters concern audio tracks only.

Don’t you want to record KS notes with OT?

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Thanks - didn’t know that. Just went into the Midi Control to use the Thru. that’s awesome!

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Not really - mostly using the OT as a MIDI brain/mixer + percussion/voice samples + live guitar sampling/mangling. All notes are happening in DN and bass synths.

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I understood Octatrack was sequencing from you original post beginning. :wink:

Oh, sorry for the confusion.

Everything is sequenced in the DN MIDI tracks - i’m used to its workflow and it is super fast for me to put tracks together whereas I’m still looking where stuff is with the OT.

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