Midiphy SEQ 4+

Okay… I see that I’m confusing the “MIDI router” settings with the MIDI settings in the track “Event” page. Setting things up in the latter page as in the pic below has sorted things out.

The MIDI router page is pretty complex - I’ll try to wrap my head around its possible uses and how to execute those later on. Gotta take baby steps and pace myself - this thing is deep!

[BTW - thought I’d post how I figured this out here, in case it might help someone else in the future]

Hi Stephane,

my apologies, the MIDIbox forum sometimes has signup issues and i don’t really know my way around the forum software used there, i am also just a co-admin over there :).

But: you could sign up directly on the midiphy forums, which is available for commercial support of midiphy builds:

There you’ll find a section for the midiphy SEQ v4+ and we’re glad to support it (i otherwise would not want to spam the Elektronauts forums :))

Regarding your question - your setup looks good from the Ableton side - for the midiphy SEQ v4+, make sure you set up USB1 and channel 1 on the Track Events screen (Menu -> Event -> Port) - like shown in the picture below.

Enjoy and have a good evening!
Best regards, Peter


Big thanks for the helpful reply Peter. I’ve just signed up at the link you shared and will post any future SEQ4+ related questions there so as to not spam here.

Btw - you’re MatriX on the left looks lonely, you should send it over.

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Thanks for the reminder about the forum!

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midiphy SEQ v4+ user clddstllr created two nice overview and function keys cheatsheets - if you’re wondering about SEQ v4+ usage: sharing them here for you - more info on midiphy dot com - best regards and have a good weekend! Peter


These seem like well made devices though I’ve never tried one.


After spending time with a DIY seq4+ I’ve toyed with getting the midiphy - it’s an incredible sequence engine and the layout looks like an improvement/makes sense to me.

I mentioned in the cirklon thread that folk down the wait list should really consider checking one of these (or the basic/diy seq4+), as they might we’ll find they no longer require one when they’ve got into this.


midiphy SEQ v4+ tutorial part one: quickstart and general overview - thanks a lot, Revtor!