Midronome : [Kickstarter - MIDI master clock ]

When I signed up for notification, I got an automated email that said welcome to the Midronome community, but no invitation to back the Kickstarter.

Did you get something different?

The Kickstarter page still says Funding Cancelled

Here is what I received

just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for putting down that reservation and upgrading your status to Midronome VIP!

This is awesome for many reasons, in particular because:

You get the best discount when we launch the Midronome on Kickstarter. Weā€™ll be opening up our Kickstarter campaign to VIPs before anyone else so you can get your VIP discount.

You get early access to our Kickstarter campaign page. When it is ready weā€™ll give you access to our draft campaign page so you can ask questions and give feedback. This will make sure all information is clear so we can bring these lovely little devices to life asap

Ok, so youā€™re actually in the same situation as me

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The campaign reboot will happen in a few weeks and this video does a good job showing the problem and how the midronome can help:

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so this has gone live for second timeā€¦this time its met funding immediately.

itā€™s now 109 euros at vip pricing, or 149 early bird.
expected delivery: March 2023

tip: you want want to sign up via https://www.midronome.com, as they may still be offering VIP pricing that way :wink:

its gone up in price from the first time, but going over the features etc, it does seem to be a bit more developed nowā€¦ and still quite a bit cheaper than the ERM MultiClock which is its obvious competitor.

the E-RM MultiClock has 4 outputs, this has 2ā€¦ and more control over offsets.
for me this was a bit overkill.

my plan is pretty much to use this for 2 reasonsā€¦

  • improve sync with Mac
  • have a central clock that is ā€˜always onā€™

honestly, I get very little jitter on my Mac , so its not going to make a huge difference to me on improving sync, but its one less thing to think about.

the main reason is a central clockā€¦
I use my hardware setup in one of 3 ways (more really, but lets say 3)

  • Standalone - Hapax is master
  • DAW (Mac) - DAW is master, Hapax + others slaved.
  • Modular + Octatrack - minimal setup, where OT is master.

the ā€˜issueā€™ here, is in each of these setups I have to dig in and start changing settingsā€¦
itā€™s not hard, but I have to remember to do it and think about how I want to set things up.

with the Midrnome, Iā€™ll just have it plugged into my iConnectivity mioXM to feed everything.
then my Mac/DAW will feed the midronome.
so IF the daw is running, midronome will just feed the clock everywhere, if notā€¦ then the midronome will create the clock.
so I never have to change the clock settings on any other device :slight_smile:

I had considered doing this with an ERM MultiClock, but the price put me offā€¦ esp, as I didnā€™t need the 4 outputs., Iā€™m really only going to use ONE, to the mioXM.

also, Im not sure, how much I really need it, but at this price its kind of ā€˜worth a puntā€™ :slight_smile:

(of course, I should noteā€¦ the ER-M MultiClock is highly recommended, and very much provenā€¦ this we wont know how it stacks up until its delivered, but again , Im willing to give it a go!)


Iā€™m tempted by this but not sure if it will do what is temping me!

If this is receiving the audio sync from Ableton and I send the clock out from this to my synths, arm record and press play, will recording happen with no gap at the beginning?

I use an esi midi box thing at the minute which is completely fine and latency isnā€™t really an issue but just need to push things around, which isnā€™t a super big deal, but if this would somehow make everything sit perfectly when recording then I would absolutely go for it

But suspect that this isnā€™t for that!

Something like this probably has itā€™s uses but itā€™s probably not for sequencers.

What I found was that it was annoying when the tempo was not stored with a project.

This is the first thing Iā€™ve backed since the Oxi One. Donā€™t even know if I need it. :stuck_out_tongue:

really this spends on what your current issue is.

even with midi (usb) there should not be a significant delay in starting recordingā€¦
if you are comparing this to midi out -> audio in, my suspicion is you may not have the delay compensation setup correctlyā€¦
(in fairness, doing this correctly in Ableton is NOT obvious, and can be counter-intuitive)

this will not solve that issueā€¦ its not really attempting to reduce latency.

as such latency is not an issue, as we can handle it with latency compensation in the daw. (*)
there is some latency compensation in midronome, but I think itā€™ll be of limited use.

this ā€˜realā€™ issue is jitter, that is the variable later - this cannot be compensated for since its variable and so unpredictable. (well at least with midi clock protocol :wink: )

there is another interesting aspect of this reveal in the tech specs for the audio input

so what this says, is the sample accurate stuff is not just clock (= tempo) , its also using a voltage level for end of bar.
this means it can allow for resync at bar starts , and could also be used for start transport.

(i.e. always have clock running for tempo stability, but only send the bar end when clock is running, this way you can interpret a new ā€˜bar endā€™ to mean clock is now starting on NEXT pulse)

Im also quite interested how they are handling the Ableton Link protocol, which frankly, is much better than midi clock. (more stable, handles ā€˜errorsā€™ better, handles multi client).

again, until we get this into our hands, Im going to manage my expectationsā€¦
but I do think it will be useful.

(*) in fact depending on your sample buffer settings, latency may even increase when using an audio signal compared to usb midi.

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yeah, Im not sure either ā€¦ tbh, the price kind of swayed me to give it a punt.

reality is, the clock from my (Squarp) Hapax is very stableā€¦ even when I sync from my Mac over usb midiā€¦ so jitter ( which is probably main sell here) is not an issue.

so as I said above, really, its more about having clock in one place, so when I change my setups I donā€™t have to reconfigure sequencers etc.

anyway, Iā€™ll only really know if this makes things easier once it turns up, and I use if for a while.
(often adding more tech, just complicates life, even when its job is to simplify !)

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Thank you, yeah was hoping this would eliminate somehow the need to manually do latency compensation within live

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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doubtfulā€¦ latency is caused by a number of factors, and when using multiple hardware devices each one is going to differ slightly, and also you not only have to compensate midi clock but (potentially) every midi message (e.g. notes/automation) (*)

so, there is no ā€˜simpleā€™ solution for latency compensation ā€¦ its something you have to live/manage if you are going they hybrid daw/hardware route.

that said, this is a bit the ā€˜purestā€™ viewā€¦
there are a few features in Midrnome (and E-RM multiclock which uses same principles)
you can set an offset on one of the midi din outputs (), and Id not be surprised if their plugin also has some compensation features (*)

in practice, whilst not perfectā€¦ you may find this gets you close enough, or simplifies the latency compensation needed.
(and as highlighted above, it will remove the issue of jitter which can be a serious issue for many)

(*) or you can compensate instead on the incoming audio sideā€¦ but again thats not going to be handled with clock :wink:

(**) this is where e-rm multiclock is a bit better, you have offset on up to 4 outputs (only 2 on midrnome), then idea being once you set it up once for that hardware, you can then ā€˜forgetā€™ it.
that said, its still just for clockā€¦

(***) but of course if you have lots of midi devices handing off the same midi din, there is no way to compensate for them individual.


She arrived yesterday


Please post your thoughts and perhaps describe how youā€™re using it. Iā€™ve been watching this for some time. It seems like a very reasonably priced unit if it performs as promised.

At the moment I canā€™t simply because I bought it as a cheap tool to have at hand in case it was needed, I have no need for it at the moment however Iā€™m always chopping and changing my setup.

So I basically updated the firmware, clocked a volca drum, then set it up to see if it synced/start/stop Ableton ok which it did without a hitch.

Seems to do what it says on the box, now it will sit on a shelf until it is required.

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I bought for a similar reason. Iā€™m not using a DAW at the moment, but in the past Iā€™ve considered buying the much more expensive RME Multi Clock one. So I thought Iā€™d obtain this at a low price for future useā€¦


I mainly bought it to isolate my time sync from any particular device, since Iā€™m not always using the same ā€˜master brainā€™. E-RM was an option, but then Midronome popped up. Dawless set up. It was delivered today (Belgium). First test tonight or tomorrow.


Made a note for myself to back this device when I first heard about it but still managed to forget anyway, wish it hadnā€™t slipped out of my radar!

Signed up for the waiting list for the next batch but eager to hear from anyone here who has had a proper go with it.