Miles Kvndra on short daily sessions vs long weekly ones

It’s always an issue of balance for me, it is easier for me to work in bursts over “plodding” sessions.

In absence of deep focus I do daily sessions, but the level of casual engagement often leads to loop-based lumps of clay, at least that I can perhaps build off of later.

Ideas and notes are still useful, I guess I need to figure out how to get the simplest workflow of a track set up end to end with only progressions down in this sketch period, with live elements and groove later.


It sounds like it’s going well, and if you’ve kept it going for two months it’s probably became a habit. It’ll be interesting to see how this works over the long term, e.g. over several years.

I’m not a professional composer in any sense whatsoever, but I did take a handful of music composition subjects at university. The professor said on several occasions that getting into the habit of composing for an hour a day was a critical element of the vocation and that you have to work around feeling not inspired or having lots of spare time.