Hey guys! This is one of my first posts but very glad to find a forum just about my favorite synth and I would be really appreciative if anyone could help me
I use my MM in conjunction with ableton live, the MM being slave to click and transport. However sometimes, when I’m playing ableton in arrangement mode and the MM is playing along, (one thing I love about it is that it receives the point where the song is, like the bar) sometimes the MM will just not play the triggers in the first bar.
So say my transport in Ableton is at bar 5 - I press play, and the MM starts playing along, starting from the beginning of the pattern. It will often just not play a trigger that is on the first step, but play the triggers towards the end of the pattern just fine.
This will happen completely randomly - sometimes turning it on and off will fix it for a bit, sometimes pressing the stop button a bunch of times will help make it work. I have a feeling this has only started happening recently.
I believe it has something to do with the MM receiving transport a bit after the first step and so not playing from completely the beginning - maybe this is why pressing stop heaps of times works (but not all the time!)
Has anybody else had this problem? its really frustrating! I’d be glad if anyone could help thanks