Modal Argon8 – 8 voice polyphonic wavetable synthesiser

This is one of the reasons I use the Modal app, because it shows you the Wav Mod changes.

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I haven’t dug into the app yet; good to know!

This demo of hydra sounds better to me than Argon8

It is his review of the MicroFreak that got me to buy it.

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The elusive big knob!


Made a video to show how cool LFO2 is…

Best regards,



Nick’s review. He’s by himself – no Jackson.
26 minutes long.

ADDED: Nick did a good review, very positive but still a critical look. What do you think of his suggestions as far as added features, or new products in this family?

ADDED AN HOUR LATER: Nick mentions it would be nice to have a 61 key version and boom they have it!


I just received an email from Modal, looks like they are doing two more versions. Same synth engine, just different form factors.

  1. ARGON8M - A compact desktop module version that can also be mounted into a 19" 3U rack with the included end cheeks, for those players with limited space.
  2. ARGON8X - An elongated 61 key version using the same FATAR TP/9S mechanism with aftertouch, for those players who want an extended octave range.

Pricing is as follows:

Argon8M = $619 - €579 - £499

Argon8X = $819 - €749 - £649



I love that they’re expanding the line. But if I could have paid 70 bucks more for a 61 key version at the time of purchase (which was only a couple weeks ago, and only a couple of weeks after the thing became available for purchase, period) …

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The pricing for the module seems about right, but only $70 more for a 61 key keyboard seems off to me. Seems like they could have charged a bit more for that. And, I agree, these things just started shipping in the past couple weeks, and now showing two more options so soon, it seems like some early adopters might have liked to know about these two other options a bit sooner.

I 100% agree. If this was a year or two later, that would be fine. But it seems like they had to have known about this launch by the time they started shipping. I’ll be honest, I’m a little peeved.

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Very interesting! Nice to have the options.

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I agree, I would be a little peeved also. The good news though, is that it could be months before these other units are out, and you have yours now. I mean, modal is still working to keep stock in stores on the first unit, and I do think it will be some time before we see the other two come to market. I think this was just a NAMM week announcement, tied into the hype of the Sonic State video being released today.

I thought it was maybe a strange joke, since Nick concludes his review by saying “it would be nice if there was a bigger keyboard.”

I had literally finished watching the Sonic State video when I checked my email and saw that announcement. So, his suggestion was answered, like… two minutes later.


It honestly could have just been in response to Nick’s comments. I mean, look at the photo, that was definitely a quick photoshop job.

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So let’s see if we can rub Aladdin’s lamp too like Nick did – I want a …

Poof! Your wish is my command.

Actually i was thinking about the module version as i watched Nick’s video.

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Haha, I hope you went big with your wish!

Look at how compact the module is. That’s great! They pack a lot in a small box.

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I’m curious to know if they can be chained (which would be even more reason to favor the 61 key)… that empty space on the keyboard can hold a tablet, sure, but can a module sit on there, too?


Yeah, I like the looks of the module as well. Actually they all look good. I still plan on getting one, and the original 37 key might still be the one for me. Although, the 61 key looks great too. I like the large space on top. They show it with an ipad up there, but I would put an analog synth, or maybe a digitone or something up there.