Mode Machines ADX-1 (drum expander)

Any Nauts on here have any experience with the Mode Machines ADX-1? It looks to be a great sounding unit and has plenty of knobs for easy control. Could add some great tones as an additional drum unit. Curious about how reputable the company Mode Machines is also.

Details directly from the website here.

Product Description

"The ADX-1 is an analogue 5-Channel Drum Expander. The 5 channels offer different sound pallets: metal is used to create cymbal length and consists of two different metallic sounding generators. Two filters, Envelope / Modulation options, Decay and Release. Hi Hat consists of a metallic sounding generator and a “clean” signal, pitch control, mix, modulation, filter, envelope modulation, decay and release.

The sound of the snare is generated by a metal-sounding noise generator through two parallel-connected bandpass filters, decay and release. Synth is used to create sounds like bells or synthesizers and consists of 3 sine oscillators. FM and Bend for a wide range of sounds, attack and release. Consists of a sine oscillator, with pitch control. Additional harmonics can be generated by frequency modulation. Attack simulates the “pluck” of a bass string, release, to control the length and distortion for more dirty sounds."


  • 51 buttons; each parameter is available

  • 8 controls per channel

  • Play via trigger button or via MIDI

  • Each channel has 1x panorama and 1x volume control

  • Individual outputs on the rear panel

  • Two Master Outputs (left / right)

I had a MAM ADX-1 which is what this unit is based on and it was nice but pretty limited in sounds. I didn’t find much sweet spots… it’s still nice, but if I had to choose between it and a Vermona DRM-1 mkIII I wouldn’t hesitate. I’m not sure but in my mind the ADX is like from the era of the first DRM-1… It just got a niche reputation for being a cool one for chiptune music. It’s true that it sounds pretty raw… while the DRM-1 has more the warm large spectrum of an 808.