Model:Cycles Feature Requests Thread

chord mode from the DN with ability to stack all 6 voices with different machine per voice


I’ve got a request that applies to all Elektron boxes.

Is it possible to get the three change pattern modes the MD has. Start Gate and Cue…

PLUS…Direct. Changing the pattern but keeping the sequencers position.


maybe they plan to do analog also

Deriving it from the M:S Thread:

I would like to have a way to paste a pattern/page/track without removing the old content.
Here is why (and I’d like the same on my DN as well):

In a lot of situations, I can use one track for more than one thing. Simple Example: Kick with off-beat hihat.
I start a track, add a Kick Machine, play around with the sound until I am happy. Now comes the HiHat.
Current workflow: Reduce the Length of the pattern to 4, place a Hihat and work on the sound, until it fits, reset length to old value, copy & paste the hihats to all the other places, where it needs to be.
This workaround works for this special case, but is a nightmare to change etc.

What would be cool: Create the Hihat Patterns and Sound on a different Track until I am happy, copy it and paste it to the Kick Track in merge mode.

You can replace Kick / Hihat with whatever Sounds you like.

I know there will be edge-cases, that needs to be defined, to make this into a product (what happens if there is already something on a step, where the paste wants to write etc., but I am sure, this is solveable)


That’s a great idea!

A kind of workaround is to set Every step that should not be affected by chance to 99% Trig condition. So it will basically always trigger. When you turn down chance, it won’t effect steps with trigCons so for example your 4/4 BD will always be there (unless you mute).


The ability to preview a preset sound (e.g a kick) in a sequenced pattern. The manual says it’s possible by holding down pad 1-6 but in my case it just’s plays the sound once.

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And derived from the Analog Four, a poly Mode that lets you Pick 1/6 -> 6/6 tracks to play them round robin like with or without the particular Track Sound polyphonically.


Feature requests, most important first:

1- Amp Env Attack to free LFO; even just two settings (Fast/Slow) like DFAM per preset in a menu page would make a big difference, unless DSP can not cope with that.
2- Polyphonic midi track with at least 4 notes (eg, to sequence volca drum from 1 track, even if it is only via midi keyboard )
3- Musical scales in trigger mode ( Eg, Function + trigger pad 1-16; 16 trigger pads equal 2 full octaves)
4- Arpeggiator
5- Solo (Eg, Function+track+ T1 solo Track 1)16

Bonus feature request: Assign CC# to knobs maybe via software editor, for midi tracks…maybe asking too much here…:sweat_smile:


  2. Make the trigless locks easier to distinguish from regular trigs on the LEDs. Here is a part from the manual that describes trig LEDs:

This is all cool and well, but IMO the slow blinking rate was a bad idea… when the moving LED playhead is combined with the slow blinking rate IRL, the result is a mess. Please consider adding a blinking rate parameter into the system menus?


That’s interesting, almost like a compress tracks option and you would just pick what track is top level incase you have any overlap in triggers… I could see all elektrons using this.


Totally agree, it would make perfect sense to add that to shift-track. Especially since the keypad does not have notes printed on them.


Love the cycles and for it to be a truly useful groovebox.
I hope Elektron works on these basic but necessary implementations for this machine to really fly.

1-Individual mutes per pattern

2-Preset levels needs to be matched.
It’s annoying like no other when one preset has got way higher volume than the next preset. They really need to fix that.

3-A fast way to transpose between octaves. This is so we won’t need a external midi keyboard

4-It needs a simple Arp mode.

Thats it.




Attack Parameter
LFO to control Delay time
LFO to control Reverb time.
Simple midi sequencer
Chorus/Phaser/ Flanger as an effect.


For some reason I thought you could set retrig speed to pressure you can’t but it would be cool if your could. For some really ramped up ratcheting effects. Also I feel like if you could some how have the option to use a pad for just inputing pressure while playing the chromatic buttons it would be pretty fun.


Another few from me having played with it for a little while:

The ability to set pad velocity FIX separately for each pad, all the other parameters in this menu are able to be set on a per pad basis, so it would be more consistent and also very handy.

Glide trig condition - to set simply hold step and turn condition encoder CCW the more CCW the longer the glide. On a track basis glide could be set to any single parameter, the obvious being pitch but others could be fun too.

A few more machines:

an Acid machine would be nice, color sets cutoff frequency, shape sets waveform (maybe including formant style and waveforms which FM the filter), sweep is filter envelope, contour is resonance - would work nice with the glides above :wink:

Pad machine: color sets cutoff frequency, shape sets waveform, sweep sets filter sweep speed/amount, contour sets attack time for volume and other parameters.

Talking of attack parameter why not have decay be able to be attack if function is held whilst locking? I don’t think it would complicate things, other encoders have dual functions.


Having only one LFO would be nice to be able to set destination to more than one parameter with different depth for each destination; the more the merrier… (eg to color depth 30, to shape depth -20…)

Same with velocity, send it to more than one destination

And I am sorry insist in the env attack, even via menu (could share it with LFO) , 2 or 3 fixed settings (Fast/Slow or Fast/Medium/Slow)


+1 to all of this.

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If you set individual pads VDep to 0 with no Dst and DDep to 0 is like giving that pad full velocity, right?

Then other pads can be fine tuned, maybe is not the same as individual fixed velocity but it does work…

Yeah for volume that probably works, but if wanting the velocity for other parameters it can be handy to have different per pad default velocity value, especially used in conjunction with retrig.