Model:Cycles Feature Requests Thread


Was attack ever implemented? Having to use a LFO is dumb.

No, there is no separate attack feature. LFO is your only option right now.

Has there been any feature updates for Cycles?

I would love to see a mkII with built in rechargeable battery, that power handle was the biggest goof ever.

Otherwise, apart from additional machines which would be nice, because 35 for a Syntakt and only 6 for a Cycles… that would be nice !

Two simple things (for M:C and M:S) :sunny:

  • A mute activity mode with a short press on the power potentiometer.

This mode could be double : a short press on a pad for the mute and a longer press (1/2s - 2/3s - 1s - adjustable??) for the selections of a track.

  • In chromatic mode: let the LEDs be lit for the white notes and no for the black ones! Much more visual…

Nice idea, even better if the white/black were to shift along with the offset on the pads menu.



Would it be to crazy if, to say something Ess M., Opens a Go Fund Me, pick top 5 request here and develop a Guerrilha Firmware for M:C?

Then just sell the new Firmware to those brave enough to void any warranty and install this?


Nice idea, but I think @Ess might have been more involved in the ideas and prototyping than in the low-level coding that a new firmware would need. But I could be wrong.

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But if it were possible, a firmware based on a port of MI braids/plaits (resonators and the like) would be awesome.

I would add a 3rd model if that firmware was available.

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Same! I already want to get a second Model Samples because of the ludicrously low storage capacity, might as well have an alt firmware MC for mutable patches too. Three might be awkward, but four is a party!

How about another mode for the triggers where they can be used as a kind of palette to quickly copy and paste locks to and from (possibly with the ability to audition).

This is already the case, pressing a pad yields a momentary mute.

What you’re talking about is alternate mute = velocity off = no trig = no sound played (or be very precise)… It’s not a mute mode, but a trick…

new machines / scales :wink: ( I know this has been asked several times ) you never know it may happen ( but considering Ess left the company to open his own software one I doubt it very much )

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He is not the only person that worked on the Model:Cycles and most of them still are working at Elektron… don’t be too pessimistic.

Look, I bought the M:C to do ambient and so far… I failed. But it is still a very fun box, and I can tell from looking in the menus that there are some empty spaces available to add new…exciting things :slight_smile:

Look at the Track Menu for example:


One empty space for an extra setting like… Scales ! ! ! !

Look at how many scales/modes the Syntakt got… maybe Cycles can get 1/3 of the scales since it is 1/3 of the Syntakt price…? hehe :stuck_out_tongue:


There is also an empty space on LFO set up menu… maybe for another LFO…?


What about the retrig set up menu?


Maybe quantized/unquantized retrig option…?

Well, I am no Elektron engineer, but the Model:Cycles has only 6 machines, Syntakt has like 30 or so, I think there is room to get a bit more for the Cycles. It does not even have a full “drum kit” of machines, for example… where is the “Clap machine”? Even the TR6-S got a FM clap engine ! ! !

I wonder how easy it would be to downgrade Syntakt machines into the Model:Cycles …?


… You feel me? :wink:


Sure, obviously mine was a deep thoughts but with a little hope like all of us owner of the Cycles ( and I had the Syntakt but sold …so I kept my lov to it ) so I feel you, I recently got an update of the ‘program version’ of the Cycles and guess what? I’m adding up some tweaks with it and experimenting because this is what the Cycles is ( For me ) or it would just sound too rubber after a while. Yes, I state correctly in my heart… Machines please ( even an extra one ) and scales

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I’d be happy with one extra machine (a port of ‘SY TOY’) and one more LFO (double press on the LFO button).

Oh … one thing more … the ‘personalisation’ of the velocity sensitive pads that elektron support have suggested might be in the works.

Suspect the SY TOY thing might not be viable as it doesn’t fit the FM paradigm/algorithms/marketing.


I am no engineer, but this:


“Ratio” “operators” “feedback depth” all sound like FM to me… :wink:


“Operators” and “modulator” for sure … I hadn’t read the manual … mostly listened to the sounds and the descriptor “physical modelling” which may have led me down the wrong path, it seems.