Model:Cycles Feature Requests Thread

…until you run into patterns relying heavily on unquantized, dynamic velocity playing, where each trig has a microtimed position and unique velocity value. While trig copy paste is awesomesauce, its not always enough.


patch randomizing would be killer!

  • scale mode (like in novation circuit)
  • arp mode connected to scale mode (so you could set arp in specific scale)
  • func + decay knob to set attack rate (so you wont have to lose lfo to set some kind of attack)

the ability to p-lock the pan position!


Choke groups would be great - I know you can get ‘typical’ choke behaviours by e.g. locking an open hat and closed hat on the same sequencer track but one thing I really like about the RYTM is the unexpected interactions/note stealing from putting choked voices on tracks with different sequence lengths, clock speeds, conditional trigs, etc.


Was trying to overcome the " no attack" issue via recording the vol/dist knob movement . It just records different p-lock values per step, no smooth value transition so completely useless. Is it possible to record smooth knob values movement on this machine at all? and with other elektron boxes?

I like this machine but there are some crazy limitations I do not understand and just make me want get rid of it.

No attack…you can use the lfo…
No pan lock…you can use the lfo…

But just one lfo with just one destination…


in elektron world the ‘smooth knob movement’ automation recording is called slide trigs. only found on the pre-digitakt boxes. a shame they keep stripping away features in the name of usability!


I will give it a few more days but I may probably just sell it, sometimes limitations improve creativity and some times are just that …limitations.

I was thinking of a digitone as an alternative but if does not have slide trigs it is not for me.

What about connecting it to a phone over midi with the USB and rocking a few extra LFO’s that way? I didn’t try this app, but technically you could snag a few more LFO’s this way and route them to say, volume swell via the midi spec?

This is something I’ve thought about too - and I will buy this to experiment - coz I’m losing my LFO’s to attack also


On digitone you get 2 lfos, you can assign one to pitch slide and even the rate and interval. You may think that then you are “sacrificing” an LFO, but in practice it works out fine.

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If I could record those changes inside patterns as slide trigs I would just do it via ableton.

But if the only way to make the synth sound interesting is via sequencer trickery ( jumping like crazy between different presets) then it is not for me.

Get a Digitone if you like it’s sound and want to go deeper with FM sound design and then I think there are ways to do what you want.

Thing with the slide trigs though is that they still only record one value per parameter per step, it just interpolates the values between the steps. The Elektron sequencer is fundamentally a step sequencer, none of them do detailed automation over time.

Like most grooveboxes I guess, if you would use x2 track scale value then you would have 32 slide trigs per 16 note pattern, quite good in my opinion.

There is big difference between smooth cuttoff transition and values jumping between steps.

I can not keep a machine hoping they will fix something in the future, this may never happen. That is why I got rid of all my NI maschine stuff…

For some people these limitations may not be a problem, for me the no env attack and no slide trigs is enough reason not to keep it.

They could have perfectly made slide trigs default and used preset locks for value jumps.

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This shouldn’t be discussed in the Q&A thread imo.


I would take this to the Feature Request thread instead of dumping it in the Q&A, unless you have an actual question.

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I don’t think I understand what you mean. Isn’t that the entire elektron brand? What would even be the alternative, just ableton?

Honestly any groovebox will lose a feature checklist comparison with a DAW. What I find interesting is that @ess is dialing in exactly the right amount of complexity needed to make something as versatile and fun as the elektron boxes.

Since this is the Q&A thread I would like to ask how many of the “sequencer trickery” is anticipated use cases and how much of it is a surprise to elektron?

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I agree, first I made a question which then became a discussion.
Maybe I should start a new thread pointing out M:C limitations, for people to know if it will suit their needs. I would not have bought it if I had known them

the manual existed when it was available and to be fair - the model series does not do this and the reason is up front (the most simple one knob per function interface with little deep diving) - slide trigs will absolutely not happen and that shouldn’t have been a surprise - from my perspective having hit this hard for a few days I have yet to find limitations, a box of this nature seems fine without attack, perhaps this isn’t the device for some people and perhaps it is for others

this has a far far deeper sound capability than people give it credit for - plus the sequencer becomes more integral to sound design because it is accessible and all within easy reach - these devices won’t be for everyone, but that’s not on Elektron, they’ve made something in the spirit of the brief and it is quite popular by most accounts, so they’re on the right track imho

the only real huge hinderance is the blink time/brightness of lock trigs which are near impossible to follow in real time

so my FR

Reduced brightness/hold time for trigless locks


What I mean is I like sweeping knobs and record those changes, specially with bass/synths. Something that now seems not possible.
Only way to make smooth value changes is lfo…