Model:Cycles only music

I’m going to have to ask you to stop all this until there is more stock! Damnit! :smiley:


Yes :+1:t6:

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This slaps hard! Good work


if I hadn’t already bought a M:C, this would be the track that would have convinced me to. So good!

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Slap like!


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Bit of old school house vibe, wanted to try some strings.

Acid failure :smile:

Sorry for the mic audio, I can’t find my interface for ipad mini.


You lost your CCK?

digging that first one!

Thanks, yeah CCK is around somewhere, probably in a bag or pocket somewhere :smile:

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Kinda pedestrian, but this is my first jam on the M:C


I have a small hard box I bought from a chinese “McGuyver shop” that I use for storing them dongles and headphone out adapters. Totally recommend getting one, that stuff always gets lost otherwise.


And I’m very glad that you did. Good effort!

But on the plus side at least you weren’t actually in Kirkcaldy… well, I’m presuming you weren’t huddled in Starks Park with a battery pack.

No apology required, they were fun to listen to regardless and I was easily pleased with how good your idea is for labelling the what notes each step is… I’m far too dense to come up with that sort of sensible idea on my own.


A little jam I just did. I like how smooth and much groove you can get going with this. Some of the machines are a little easier to find your way around than others haha


:laughing: no battery back! I can’t face midweek away games any longer. Incredibly grim!

I should somehow harness the depression that is caused by lower league Scottish football into my magnum opus!


I found my cable and did a direct recording over USB to ipad, just used voice recorder, can’t seem to adjust level, USB audio on M:C was set to minimum but still a bit clipped, oh well.


Another one, slippery bassline.


What a great bass part!


I tried to tackle the “your snare sounds like shit” problem, and did kinda succeed IMO! (on these headphones at least). Trick is to layer two sounds to make the snare - much better!

MX MC006.syx (25.2 KB)

So m:c can haz EREKTLO! boogie down :dancing_women:

EDIT: tweaked the pattn a bit, twice LOL! Now I think the bassline has the right pitch and ratio :nyan:

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One more in the DX afro/gqm vein

MX MC007.syx (25.2 KB)

Time for lunch!

sublime tweaks and locks

puzzled that the audio can be rendered fine within device and be clipping when sent out - hopefully it’s an app gain thing - from what i’ve read here there are gain options on the levels sent via usb but no attenuation


The USB gain level is for audio sent to it, rather than the audio it generates. I tried changing this like 5 times before I read the manual and realised :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the clipping, yeah I’m still not used to that yet. It sounds great when playing heavy stuff, but when ambient pads get too loud and they start to clip, it’s less than ideal! Guess we just need to watch our levels.