Model:Cycles only music

its the same rverb as in M;S, Ess answered that question.

never used the M:S, but sounds different than the other series to me… like even though there are less editable parameters there’s more advanced processing going on

Nice I just found your clips on Instagram last night! Really great stuff, your style really comes through well.

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Had a guest staying so had no time to play until today. This is the second pattern I’ve made with it, first attempt at doing anything with the chord machine.

Really poorly recorded, I need to get on that USB audio tip.


Nice!! I always like your videos. I really need to get my hands on one of these.

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Sounds good to me. I find that a bit of analog to digital conversion with the right gain staging can sound quite good.

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Thanks! Yeah this is just straight into my phone with a Roland Go:Mixer, as my main Mac is out of action at the moment. It sounded much better on the headphones.

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Bit of old school house with “acid” near the end :slightly_smiling_face:

Recorded via USB into ipad, had to cut the end due to file size.


Really dig the warbly pad bit.

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Nice! Not a bad acid approximation either. Is that 5 steps? (actually sounds like three now that I got further in) Elektron should make a Model:Acid. (two tracks 303ish, four tracks 606ish)

Thanks, Yes 5 steps :smile:

I’d totally be into a Model:Acid I hope that @ess would consider knocking it up in max and selling the idea to the other Elektron guys :rofl:


Nice dig that acid bass… I’ve been finding that sort of patch a bit of a challenge but also one of more interesting types of things to explore, just applying the lfo envelope to all sorts of different settings and seeing how it does haha.

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Cheers, yes a little tricky, I tend to use Tone, set color to .500, shape to 80+, sweep between 10-40, contour 70-0. I don’t tweak color but tweak the other 3 within those ranges.


which machine did you use for the teebee sound?

sounds real crunchy

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Tone, for the settings see post above :wink:


That one definitely struck a nostalgic chord, got me moving! Nice.

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Nice track Daren, real cool!

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Ok, this one’s for @AdamJay is this techno enough for ya

MX MC008.syx (25.2 KB)

ahh yeh u dont have the m:c yet = here’s an audio snippet

headphone mix so not 100% dialed in but you get the idea


Slammin’ :+1:



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