Model:Cycles Tips & Tricks Thread

the second from last destination is punch. i guess because its button sort of looks like a paw? i dunno. :sweat_smile:


Oh, thanks :slight_smile:

Sound great but I can see the different retrig modes in a menu to save to a preset . Can you point me in the right direction?

You can not do it within the M:C software, you have to send the right midi cc from ableton or other software to M:C first. Only then you can save it as a preset

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Thanks for that .

Explore, and make use of the LFO. I promise you it has a much deeper range of sound than initially appears.

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I should use the LFO more, you’re right - any top tips to try?

Think laterally. If a machine lacks a behavior you’d like it to have see if the lfo can create it. Also the tone machine hides a huge variety of timbres. DIST and PUNCH open up new sounds as well. I’ve found that reverb can make a machine sound different. Turn an alright sound into a really good one.


It’s in Appendix B in the manual. “Modulation destinations”

Dude this is great i’ve now put this on all my snares and kicks to create a deeper sound. I use this trick all the time thanks so much for posting.


Oh! I thought it might’ve been related to panning width, but I couldn’t figure it out at the time and forgot about it.

Anyone try playing with the LFO fade settings yet? Neat discoveries?

It’s nice with LFO at audio rate, applied to pitch, to act as another FM operator, with the fade acting as an envelope. Remember to turn LFO reset on!


Oh cool. I’ll be trying that out soon. Thanks!

Sorry if this has been mentioned already… Cool live performance trick:

There’s another way to get just one parameter back to its original setting in addition to using “Reload pattern”. Let’s say you have a hihat track playing and you want to lengthen its decay for a short time. Press and hold BACK, then rotate the decay knob. When you release the BACK button, the decay value will be reset to what it was originally. This does not work for more than one parameter at a time, though.


I noticed that but I don’t think I’d mentioned it, cool trick. It only works for as long as the parameter is displayed on screen though, sadly. So it’s the same as pressing BACK while the parameter is on screen.

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something good to remember From Glitched…

trigs with the “(NOT)FILL” (with the line over FILL) trig condition. This allows trigs to activate only when FILL is NOT held, thus silencing them (or “soloing” the one track) when FILL is pressed.

You can accomplish this by doing it trig-by-trig, but remember: you can hold multiple trigs as you p-lock the trig condition, so it’s not that tedious.


You just saved me a lot of time - thank you :smiley:

I can’t believe I’ve gone this long without realizing I could p-lock multiple trigs at the same time :exploding_head:


:slight_smile: it was a tip from Glitched, but thanks anyway

Where do I find these tricks from Glitched?
Asking for a friend…

haha, he’s a forum member just search for his post I guess

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