Model:Cycles Tips & Tricks Thread

Got the same feeling. Really enjoyable to find new things on each time you sit to it.

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I sadly gave mine up a good while ago. I do miss it. I found I was knocking out tunes much quicker with just the cycles.

Today, I sequenced my M:C with my Digitone. And I tried to modulate the machine (CC70) of the track with midi lfo. Very fun and a lot of glitchy textures can come from that. With LFO not in sync with master bpm, it can creates a kind of standalone texture sequence.
I’ll try this with the lfo designer of the octatrack, should be fun :slight_smile: !


Not mine, simple tip to make richer extended chords by stacking 2 chord machines.


Another video tip, not mine, faking an arp (arpeggiator)

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I don’t think I’ve read it anywhere but it’s probably widely known, so apologies if that’s the case…

You can save a pattern just by a long press of the wrench (settings) button. No need to hold FUNC.
Doesn’t seem to matter what screen you are in, just a long press and up comes the “Save Pattern To Project Y/N?” box.

Same goes for copying and pasting trigs in Grid Record…

Just hold the trig and long press of REC button and the trig is copied, hold the new trig location, press STOP and trig is pasted.

Not exactly life changing but may speed things up a little :slight_smile:

Ah, I’ve since seen the trig ^^ thing mentioned in the key short cuts at the back of the manual. With copy, paste and clear being underlined to show they require FUNC as well, it’s not obvious that’s not always the case. Just wanted to mention as I’ve seen people on YouTube tying their fingers in knots sometimes!


Yeah, ISTR the manual is wrong on that one.


Just found this, not sure if a feature or a bug but it might be of some use to someone…

If you FUNC press an existing note trig, it will mute it.
You push the trig (only, no FUNC) to unmute.

This is a trigless trig, it allows to plock parameters without playing a note.

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Im not terribly experienced with this machine, as I’m sure you can tell but I understand what you’re saying.

I did check it with a note trig, both with and without plocks and after ‘unmuting’ they came back as they were previously. As if it was as a feature to be able to mute a note trig.

It’s not truly “muted” if all the p-locks are still firing. You are converting the note trig into a lock trig which does not fire the note. That said, you can totally use trig locks as trig mutes if you’re not using p-locks or you don’t mind them firing.

Another thing that might help to provide context is that some of the big machines (RYTM for sure) has a separate trig muting feature. So for that machine you’re kind-of in trouble if you think of lock trigs as mutes.

Hope that helps. The trig types can definitely be confusing for a while after you learn them.


Thank you for your answer. Makes sense.
I’m sure I’ll have to refer back at some point though, when things aren’t acting as I expect :roll_eyes: :blush:


Lots of great things in this thread, though this particular scrolly forum style makes it hard to use as a reference… Has anyone compiled a cheat sheet of MIDI implementation, like the stuff from this thread that just isn’t in the manual?

I’ll admit, I’m wondering something super-specific. Is there a note on a channel or a cc, or a program change, whatever, that maps to pressing the “fill” button? I’ve got sequence playback via program change from Ableton working nicely- I just can’t automate the triggering of the fill condition from it. Has anyone managed this, assuming it’s possible?

I think this is the answer …


Oh, thank you for the answer, even if it’s bad news :slight_smile:

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Use the menu - AUDIO - TRK OUT - to disable one track sending to main out, then turn up REVERB SEND.

With a CHORD machine, especially with LFO for attack, you can get much softer ambient sounds.