Model:Cycles Tips & Tricks Thread

Hi @Drumunkey. This is per track channel to change machine with lfo on one midi channel.

thx! now it’s working


Just got mine in the mail this morning, and first thing out of the box I was playing with the retrig, as this was actually the main reason I picked up the cycles. Already some awesome retrig tips here, but retrig + pressure sensitivity of the pads has blown me away with the cycles:

In pad menu, set the velocity to modify some parameter. Now when you hold down a pad with retrig on, you can modify that parameter with the pressure on the pad.

Great for hi-hat rolls for example, but my favorite is this: With the chord machine, set the velocity response to color, with a relatively high depth (+ve, or negative). I set the decay of the machine pretty fast. Now when you hold down with retrig the pad, you get variations on the same chord depending on the pressure applied.

Seems at the moment this only works live, the pressure of the pad is not recorded into the sequencer in live record mode.


This would be a Killer Feature.


yes indeed … been doing exactly the same as @nuri - sounds so good on the chord machine with delay and reverb. Have you tried the fade in out in retrig though - get’s you half way to what we’re trying to do…

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Just started playing with the FILL feature.

A fun trick is to use the FILL trig condition in conjunction with NUDGE at max to turn FILL into a trig toggle feature.

The goal is to have FILL toggle between two sounds, ie, two trigs.

For example, step 5 has a trig with FILL condition as false. Step 6 has a FILL condition as true, but NUDGE is set to -23 (all the way to step 5). Thus, FILL toggles the sounds between trig 5 and trig 6, but it all gets triggered at trig 5.


Damn all these tricks are gold! Thanks for sharing! Can’t wait to try them out.


I do not know if it should go here but for those also working with a computer I recommend Moscilloscope VST

It is a nice way to visualise what knobs do to each machine and to understand FM synthesis; I use it a lot with my modular too


This is based in how Volca Drum works, and is the way I am going to use it in the studio, not as a grove box. As I say in the studio because I find it easier to multitrack it this way

Volca drum has two layers per part, right?

I am going to use M:C as a 3 layer two part with individual outs FM synth

Model cycles has the ability to hard pan without sound leaking to the other side, you can even use delay but not reverb this way.

So for example, you think Metal machine is thin?
Set track 4, 5 and 6 hard panned to the left all with midi channel and tweak the knobs each track on the M:C. Beautiful, a 3 layer metal machine, same with kicks. All 3 sequenced from same midi track in Ableton.

You can mix them up(kick, snare perc, 3chord machines, whatever

You can save this 2 part/3 layer kits as patterns or kits in M:C. Having so much project memory I will leave a few projects just for that.


Use PAN to separate output tracks.
Example: Everything set to Pan L = clean
Have the R out lead to processor.
PLock each step you want to Pan R
basic I know.

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Not a feature

oops I am ignorant. I am sequencing MC with an OT for more control over PLocks.

This is awesome … Just tried it using my Monomachine. I haven’t tried with a LFO yet, but just laying down some trigless trigs and changing the CC (64) value was sooooo much fun.

Thank you for sharing.

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Very cool tip. Definitely going to have to try this out. Did you just stumble across this accidentally or is it mentioned in the manual? I didn’t see it.

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This is What Ive been looking for on the chord machine, maning that with This youbcould play random Chords…


Little trick to fade out all of the tracks but one:
(1) select the track you don’t want to fade out, (2) press TRACK and lower the volume of all the tracks just a little, (3) release TRACK and raise the volume of the current track back to where it was, go back to (2).

It can become very natural after a little practice, basically you just keep wiggling the volume knob up and down while pressing and releasing TRACK. The same technique can be applied to any other parameter, not just the volume.


Wow there’s A LOT of good stuff here.

My humble discovery:

Restart pattern. Press play/start with stop button pushed down. It will restart the pattern from the start immediately. Good feature if you like to do these deejaying-kind of loops by hand.


Really cool - can’t believe I missed that this works on the Digitone too :smile:
Probably on all Elektron machines.

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It’s on page 39 of the manual!



LFO trigger mode via midi CC

LFO Reset via Midi CC works as a LFO trigger mode (Same as Analog Four for example)

  • CC108 value 0 FRE is the default free-running mode. The LFO
    run continuously, never restarting or stopping.
  • CC108 value 1 TRG makes LFO1 restart when a note is played.
  • CC108 value 2 HLD makes LFO1 run free in the background, but
    when a note is played the output LFO1 level is
    latched and held still until the next note is played.
  • CC108 value 3 ONE will make LFO1 start from the beginning
    when a note is played, run for one cycle and then
    stop. This makes it similar to an envelope.
  • CC108 value 4 HLF will make LFO1 start from the beginning
    when a note is played, run for half a cycle and
    then stop.

Example, polyphonic Dual layer kick with half cycle LFOs

I would say HLF behaves more like an envelope, but anyway, this is great!!! One and half cycle trigger modes are great for drums.

The trigger mode can be save inside the presets, the only thing is if you deactivate reset it can not be retrieved.
You just need to save 3 presets as starting points in the Cycles (Hold, One, Half), open them, load the machine of choice and start editing with those new trig modes.

Maybe works in the M:S too. I wonder if there are more hidden midi features…

I hope they do not fix it…:sweat_smile: