
I made that one :slight_smile:


got my shipping confirm :star_struck:


Got mine and had a touch of time to put something together nothing to complex yet, nice things I have found is

  1. if you have your LFO screen up in step record you can hold a step and twist any knob to lock a new lfo destination and amount! really awesome for getting weird really fast.

  2. if you have some things with long Decay cutting each other using the chance knob on everything can change a pretty rigid rythm pattern into a ambient sound space really quickly.

So far Kick with long decay and triggerless trig locking pitch around is really nice sounding. Lots to still explore and try to abuse out of the machines for sure.


So cool! :ok_hand:

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Might want to post your suggestion in the proper topic.

——> here

Who did you order through in au?


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Please continue to do videos , whenever you feel the need to do so. They really help relax me :slight_smile:


I do this all the time as well! OP-Z is a handy little composition tool.


Please compare this to Division Department 01/IV
From the sound pallet and how immediate is it?
Looks like it was inspired somehow by Division Department 01/IV …

Say, anyone checked the encoder caps yet? Are they standard D-shafts? Thinking of getting my caps blacked out with the DJTT chroma caps…

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the most fun I know for this task

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Can’t wait to go through the more recent videos in this thread! Perfect for my work soundtrack.

Here’s my contribution. I like the Model:Cycles, and I think it makes nice sounds that I don’t make easily otherwise (yes, I could do much of this with Digitone, but I usually don’t):


A post was merged into an existing topic: Model:Samples only music

I’ve been ill today but my gf picked up my m:c for me :heart:

Ok, so initial feelings are mixed, I like the sound but dont like the handling. Encoders feel a tad stiff, and playing on the pads is tolerable at best. The sequencer also seems to interpret unquantized finger drummed flams very poorly, much worse than on my rytm or A4.

Its going to take a while to get used to the lack of cursor keys and YES/NO.

One thing I also hate is the trig LED indicators. Its very hard to differentiate between a regular trig vs trigless lock right now. I hope this will be improved somehow, perhaps elektron could do something to the blinking rate of trigless lock trig LED indicators?

And one big WTF with the models: - Y no tempo nudge!!!111 this is a big, big omission… Feature request No 1!

TL;DR - I think DN is way better than the m:c, but its early days… First elektron box I consider returning tbh

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I don‘t understand why people still compare it to a DN. Sounds not like the DN at all. Alone the bass you get out of the MC… Impossible with the DN.

Missing a lot of features from the DN as you though…

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I can understand the comparison to DN in the sense that they are both “FM groovebox” products. But they do sound different. The m:c sound reminds me more of the soundblaster OPL sound.

However, even ess says he prefers the DN… And I kinda see now why


Don’t like the pads’ feeling so much neither.

Also, when you set track length to “tracks”, it sets it for all tracks, maybe they could stay at 16 ?

I should read the manual better, but another thing is I don’t really get if I need to save patterns or not, if saving the project saves the patterns, etc… Lost my first pattern, I know it’s a classic, but still.

The sound design sounds quite limited at first. Very few sound parameters in the end.

So yeah, very mixed feelings for now.


I prefer it as well… the MC is pretty limited - but wasn‘t limitation the key to good music? Nonetheless I have a hard time getting warm with the lack of control / sounds you get out of it… still thinking about returning it… but the bassssss you can create … try it!

The patterns are saved when you power down the m:c correctly (holding down the master vol), at least according to elektron.

I don’t really mind the bar lenghts changing, as they are so fast to resize anyways.