
Sometimes, it’s just the cap on top of the axis that is a bit too wide and wobbles. As long as the axis underneath is firm and feels solid, I guess we’re good. My Volcas wobbled like mad straight out of the box and they are still in tip top shape today.

Besides, volca encoders and knobs are plastic shaft, whereas m:c encoders all have metal shafts

I took the knob off the Main Vol encoder, which is the one with the most noticeable side-to-side wobble, and can confirm it comes from the shaft.
As a matter of fact I found out that 3/4 of the encoders’ shafts on my M:C are more or less wobbly, but mainly close to nothing…


Great. Been waiting for his one…

I felt like he reviewed the unit after having spent too little time with it. His video makes the m:c seem much more limited than it is. But thats just like my opinion man.

A bit worried about the rubber issue he mentioned having with the m:s. That doesn’t bode well for longevity of this box. Guess you always get what you pay for…

The retrig stuff is fun. Have to try that.

That’s all of his reviews basically.


but they are fun

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Yep that’s what I’ve noticed. The microfreak one was the same.

The first batches had problems with the rubber, it wasn’t thick enough in certain spots. I think it has been corrected by Elektron on ulterior batches.


The microfreak one was especially bad. He acts like he’s an alien and touches everything kind of gingerly but also kind of rough and can’t ever stop talking… I’m like dude you’re a good musician and I even kind of like watching the vids even though they’re bad, maybe take this slightly seriously if you’re going to bother. Rant over lol.


Haha. Aye when he clattered the samples an cycles together…:angry:

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Haha dude and I haven’t even watched that video yet!!! There’s just always something like that.

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Yeah, and he’s like “I don’t give a shit about my boxes when playing live”. Plus the way he manages to tap the pads into full velocity almost each time… no wonder his M:S ended up damaged. :laughing:

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He always make my suffer with his careless handling of machines.

Love the chord retrig thing he has going around 14 mins, nicest use of the chords I’ve heard yet!

Yep, the buttons on my first M:S were defective but I got a new one last month and it seems to have better buttons. Haven’t had any issues since.


Got my peace of m:c today, so yeah, percussion machines all sounds great and are versatile more then i thought. Really really like how it is performing in drum machine role.
I like the rubbery buttons a lot. Yes , the big ones are to stiff maybe, but i think they are not intended to be mpc stille pads. I didn’t explore the tone and chord machines jet. I am spoiled with my other synths, but i will try. It is great sounding machine, love every aspect of it.


Can’t handle that small screen get out the magnifine glass.